Michael Klein, CEO of CBD company God's Greenery, isn't sure if marijuana was used was actually used in biblical times,
as some have suggested. But he thinks there's no reason why Christianity and cannabis can't commingle.
"Obviously, hemp has been part of mankind from the beginning, when you talk about the ropes in the Bible made from hemp, and scripture calling on God creating all things and all plants for mankind," he says.
Klein launched
God's Greenery last year as a resource for Christians to learn more about CBD, or cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive component of marijuana that has become popular for its believed healing properties. Consumer demand has exploded over the past two years, with CBD products widely available at both marijuana provisioning centers as well as corner gas station stores.
But there's still plenty of confusion around CBD.
"Research is lagging," Klein says. "Within this field, there's wildly varying opinions on what is the correct dosage of CBD for a particular treatment, whether it be for pain relief, or sleep, or whatever person is looking for. It depends on the individual and what they experience, and it's unregulated."
He adds, "We want to make sense of that for consumers, help them navigate, and also give them a quality product that is lab tested is verified and keep them safe."
To that end, he tapped Natalie Gillespie to serve as the website's editor-in-chief, who has used it to document her exploration of CBD as a potential treatment for one of her daughters to treat her seizures. And in July, God's Greenery will launch its own set of CBD products.
"I would always get a followup question of 'what do I buy?'" Klein says. "And that led us down the path of creating products specifically for this audience where CBD is one component of other plants and herbs with healing properties to address this market need."
The first products include "Oil of Gladness," a CBD tincture infused with mint, chocolate, and basil. There's also a sleep capsule that combines CBD with chamomile and other natural ingredients, and "Fit and Flex," a CBD product tailored for its anti-inflammatory properties.
"They're all-natural, all very authentic, and like nothing else on the market, which I'm really excited about," Klein says.
The products will be primarily sold through affiliate marketing, with individuals signing up as ambassadors, who can receive a discounts on products that they're purchasing, and also earn commissions on products they sell to friends and family.
"The decision around CBD that we find is generally very emotional," he says. "It's an individual looking for relief from a particular ailment or needs that they have, or someone in their family."
A portion of proceeds will also be donated to various charities.
Klein says he has found the Christian community has been very receptive to CBD so far.
"The thing that I find so interesting about God's Greenery is people will, if they're not Christian, make an assumption that this would be rejected," he says. "We've had zero resistance."
"You're talking about [millions of people] in the U.S. that identify as Christian," he says. "They have incredible spending power. And then they also have power to make choices about brands that are important to them, and are looking for brands that share their review and doing that in an authentic way."
More information is available at
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