5 more Michigan dispensaries sold cannabis vape cartridges tainted with potentially deadly vitamin E acetate

Feb 7, 2020 at 4:34 pm
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click to enlarge 5 more Michigan dispensaries sold cannabis vape cartridges tainted with potentially deadly vitamin E acetate

Five dispensaries in Michigan were selling cannabis vape cartridges that were tainted with vitamin E acetate, the potentially deadly chemical additive linked to the vaping-related lung illness.

The state's Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA), which banned vitamin E acetate on Nov. 22, announced a recall Friday on numerous varieties of vaping cartridges sold at the Green Mile in Detroit, Liv Wellness Center in Ferndale, 664 Vassar in Vassar, Fuel 420 in Ferndale, and Green House of Walled Lake.

All of the tainted cartridges — 3,400 in all — originated from caregivers.

It’s the third time the state has recalled cannabis cartridges tainted with vitamin E acetate, a substance that is used to "cut" or dilute cannabis oil to maximize profits. On Jan. 23, the MRA recalled tainted cartridges that were sold at Plan B Wellness on E. Eight Mile Rd. The first recall was on Dec. 17 involving cartridges sold at Elite Wellness in Mount Morris.

On Nov. 22, dispensaries were required to remove tens of thousands of vape cartridges from their shelves for testing. It has been a laborious process because only one of the state’s six licensed labs — PSI Labs in Ann Arbor — has been approved to do the testing.

The lung illness linked to vitamin E acetate has caused the deaths of at least 60 people and sickened more than 2,600 others nationwide. Two of those deaths were in Michigan. Since the outbreak began last summer, the media and health officials were falsely suggesting that nicotine vaping was to blame. Two-thirds of adults still believe nicotine vaping was causing the lung-related deaths, according to a new poll.

The state is not requiring cartridges to be tested for vitamin E acetate if they were made after the Nov. 22 ban.

These products were recalled with the following METRC number, which appears on the packaging:

The Green Mile:
# 1A40401000006A5000001527
Sold between June 8, 2019 and July 1, 2019

Fuel 420:
Cart 510, Wedding Cake
# 1A4050100001AF5000000026
Sold between April 3, 2019 and Nov. 11, 2019
Carts 510, Lime
# 1A4050100001AF5000000032
Sold between March 31, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019
Cart 510, Skittlez
# 1A4050100001AF5000000022
Sold between March 31, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019
Carts 510, Lemonade
# 1A4050100001AF5000000031
Sold between March 31, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019

Green House of Walled Lake:
True, Green Crack
Sold between July 10, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019
Motor City High, Green Crack
Sold between Jan. 28, 2020 and Feb 5. 2020
Sold between July 20, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019
Motor City High, San Fernando Valley
Sold between Jan. 28, 2020 and Feb. 5, 2019
True, North Lights
Sold between July 18, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019
Motor City High, Northern Lights
Sold between July 18, 2019 and Nov. 22, 2019
# 1A4050100000BB9000001102
Sold between Jan. 28, 2020 and Feb. 5, 2020

Liv Wellness Center:
True, Green Crack
Sold between Sept. 18, 2019 and Nov. 06, 2019
True, Sandferando
Sold between Sept. 18, 2019 and Nov. 21, 2019
True, North Lights
Sold between Sept. 13, 2019 and Nov. 06, 2019
Sold between Sept. 12, 2019 and Nov. 19, 2019

664 Vassar:
True, Green Crack
Sold between Jan. 10, 2020 and Feb. 4, 2020
True, Sandferando
Sold between Jan. 10, 2020 and Feb. 4, 2020 
True, North Lights
# 1A40501000045ED000002620
Sold between Jan. 10, 2020 and Feb. 5, 2020
# 1A40501000045ED000002618
# 1A40501000045ED000002618

Sold between Jan. 10, 2020 and Feb. 5, 2020

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