You’ve been searching for your dream job for a while now.

And now, you just came across a job vacancy whose description fits your qualifications perfectly.

But there’s just one problem:

One of the major requirements is to pass a drug test.

With most states legalizing the use of recreational marijuana, passing a drug test can be an issue for most people.

Thankfully, we've got some fantastic test kits out there that can get rid of marijuana and other toxins from the body to pass that test and land your job!

Let’s look at some of the best weed detox kits around, shall we?

1. 5-Day Extreme Detoxification Program from

This company has been in the detox business since 2000 and has sold more than 250,000 products.

Their products have a money-back guarantee and support the body's natural detoxification process.

Their most popular product category is the permanent cleansing programs that help remove toxins from the body by supporting its natural cleansing process.

When selecting a product from their permanent cleansing programs, go for one that suits your needs based on your body weight, personal cleansing goals, and the degree of exposure to toxins.

Their permanent detox programs are known to eliminate unwanted toxins from the system fast. Each program has home test kits.

We’ll look at the one most popular – the 5-day detox program.

The program suits individuals with a high degree of exposure to toxins, and it removes all toxins permanently.

The program includes:

• 1 day supply of 4 pre-cleanse formula capsules
• 5 day supply of 30-morning time formula
• 5 day supply of 30 evening time formula
• 1 day supply of 8 post-cleanse formula capsules

In addition, the program also contains:

• A 13-page digital PDF of a complete meal guide and cleansing guide
•Daily text or email alerts to keep you on track (optional)
• 2 home testing kits with 99% accuracy to help you confirm you’re clean on completion
• Chat and phone support to address any questions during detoxification
• 100 percent money-back guarantee

Pricing: The 5-day detox program costs $109.95. It’s worth noting that this company offers free shipping.

2. The Mega Clean Detox Drink from TestClear

TestClear has been offering drug testing solutions for more than 23 years. They sell tested and proven products that will help you pass any drug test.

The company offers detox, cleansing, and testing options that are able to minimize toxin levels in an hour or a day.

Their products are designed to naturally detox your body while replenishing its lost minerals and vitamins.

Let’s take a look at one of its most effective detox solutions, The Mega Clean Detox.

Besides detoxifying your digestive, circulatory and urinary systems within a day, the Mega Clean detox drink offers these features:

• Replenishes the body with the required vitamins and minerals.
• Great for supervised drug tests.
• A maximum formula for people with higher toxin levels or larger body mass.

You’ll see its maximum effects in about three hours.

Mega Clean detox contains:

• Six free tablets Detoxify PreCleanse herbal supplement, which should be taken within 12 to 24 hours before using the detox drink.
• One liter bottle that is fortified with Mata-Boost
• Wildberry or tropical fruit flavor

Mega Clean is the safest and healthiest drink to cleanse your body. You have to follow a special body cleanse program in order for this program to work effectively. Luckily, the program comes fully equipped with detailed instructions for the user.

For the best results, you’ll need to consume all the contents of the Mega Clean bottle. Use the drug test cleansing program when using this product. A low-fat diet will help to speed up the detox process.

Pricing: The Mega Clean detox drink costs $69.95

3 . 7 Day Detox Program from ToxinRid

Toxin Rid offers detox programs based on one’s level of toxin exposure. Their products contain natural herbs, minerals, and vitamins without any fillers, animal products, or synthetics.

The company has 1 to 10-day detox and cleansing programs that flush the body of toxins from saliva, urine, and blood.

We’ll check out one of its products.

The 7-day Detox Program is very powerful and can detoxify your system safely even when exposed to very high toxins levels.

The program contains:

• A three-part detox system with dietary fiber, pre-rid tablets, and liquid detox
• A seven-day detox program designed specifically for people who are heavily exposed to toxins
• All of them are natural, with no fillers
• No synthetics or animal products included
• All detox programs include a free home test kit

Toxin Rid gives you a calculator to help you determine the best detox product for your needs.

Pricing: The 7-day detox program costs $153.95

3. Permanent Marijuana (THC) Test Kit from

Green Fleets is involved in helping people to detoxify themselves before taking their drug test.

The company stocks various detox kits, including marijuana (THC), opiate, urine, saliva, hair, cocaine, and home test kits.

So if you’re worried about your upcoming drug test, this is a great option.

Here we’ll be exploring one of their best THC test kits to help you eliminate toxins in your system and pass that drug test: The Permanent Marijuana Test Kit.

Smoking weed or consuming weed edibles fill your blood system and hair follicles with THC metabolites.

To remove them from your system, you can use the GreenFleets permanent marijuana detox kits.

These kits will help you quit smoking marijuana permanently and thoroughly cleanse your system of the drug.

Using them will boost your body’s natural detox processes.

Permanent Marijuana (THC) Test Kits contain:

• Diuretics help to speed up the excretion of the metabolites via the urinary tract.
• Ingredients enhance metabolism, improve liver function and rid the body of THC metabolites.
• A blend of chemicals and herbs that will accelerate the detox process.
• Fiber to prohibit the reabsorption of THC metabolites into the blood via intestines.

The way this kit works is by boosting liver function, which in turn aids in removing THC from the bloodstream. In addition to this, the test helps to speed up the fat-burning process which helps your body rid itself of THC.

One thing to keep in mind is that this kit may have some side effects. The most common side effects are fatigue, depression, constipation, headaches, muscle and stomach cramps. If you encounter these effects it’s best to talk to your doctor.

Now, for these kits to work efficiently, you have to follow an exercise regimen and healthy diet to improve the body's fat-burning process.

As long as you can follow the recommended diet and keep your activity levels up, this test should be highly effective.


• The Premium Detox 7 Day Cleansing Program costs $59.99 – 79.99
• The Total Critical Cleaning Package costs $141.99 – 184.59
• Stinger 7 Day Total Detox Drink costs $45.99

4. 10 Medical Grade THC Urine Test Strips from GreenGone

GreenGone offers pharmacist-designed formulas that help to cleanse the body of THC. Its products deliver quick results.

Their science-backed products target particular mechanisms of removing THC. Their efficiency and speed have been enhanced to allow the body to eliminate THC fast.

The all-natural formulas are a blend of known dietary supplements that break down and eliminate metabolites in the body.

The company has a product for every need, from 10 day THC detox kits, 5 day THC detox kits, to 2 day THC detox kits— they have them all. And to add to that, they all come with 5 THC test strips.

To elaborate further on their products, let’s focus on the Medical Grade THC Urine Test Strips.

GreenGone provides 10 medical-grade THC test strips to check your urine after using the detox kits.

You can use them with a cut-off of 50ng/ml. The drug test strips show results within five minutes. Make sure you follow the recommendations for the best results.

The THC urine test strips come in a pack of 10, and they come with free 2-day shipping.

To complete the test:

• Get the test strip out of the sealed pouch.
• Take out the paper flap from the bottom of the strip. It reads ‘single drug screen test.’
• With the narrow tip facing down, immerse the strip in your urine.
• Leave it for ten seconds before removing it.
• Take the strip out and place it on a dry surface.
• Then give it five minutes for the results to show.

Don't wait longer than five minutes or your results may be compromised. If possible, use a timer.

To read the results, check the top of the strip. The boxes are labeled negative, positive, and invalid. The lines in the boxes will help you understand your test results.

Pricing: The 10 Medical Grade THC Urine Test Strips cost $24.99

5. 7 Day Detox Program from ToxinRid

Toxin Rid offers detox programs based on one’s level of toxin exposure. Their products contain natural herbs, minerals, and vitamins without any fillers, animal products, or synthetics.

The company has 1 to 10-day detox and cleansing programs that flush the body of toxins from saliva, urine, and blood.

We’ll check out one of its products.

The 7-day Detox Program is very powerful and can detoxify your system safely even when exposed to very high toxins levels.

The program contains:

• A three-part detox system with dietary fiber, pre-rid tablets, and liquid detox
• A seven-day detox program designed specifically for people who are heavily exposed to toxins
• All of them are natural, with no fillers
• No synthetics or animal products included
• All detox programs include a free home test kit

Toxin Rid gives you a calculator to help you determine the best detox product for your needs.

Pricing: The 7-day detox program costs $153.95


These websites provide the best detox solutions available in the market. Their products have been tested and proven, with excellent results. They offer a wide variety of detoxifying and cleansing products to help you choose one that fits your health, weight, budget, and drug testing requirements.