Are you running out of money during the holidays? Are you looking for a cash advance or payday loans? If this sounds like your situation, you are not alone. So many Americans in our great country find the holiday time stressful - especially when it comes to money. If you have not got a bad credit loan before, you might want to read on. Bad credit loans are being taken out by Americans all across the country during the holidays. Bad credit loans go by so many names. They can be called - bad credit loans, loans for bad credit, payday loans or emergency loans.

An emergency loan is a super fast transfer of money that happens in 24 hours to help you get through a tough situation. Just like any personal loan for bad credit, it comes with its interest rates and other terms and conditions.

One of the most important aspects about bad credit loans and emergency loans is that often they do not require a credit check. As such, they have been coined - no credit check loans.

No Credit Check Loans For Bad Credit Explained

A NOTE FROM OUR EDITOR: In this article we use the term “loan-lending". We definitely are not making the claim that these websites lend money directly to the borrower. Rather their job is to work to connect you with VARIOUS lenders in their online network. Ultimately, you chose the lender that you would like to work with.

1) FundsJoy

FundsJoy in some circles have become know for payday loans. However, this is not the case, they are actually the leading company in American for bad credit loans.

Why do you think it is that FundsJoy gets so many positive reviews? What is it exactly that they do as a bad credit loan provider? We have outlined below for you some of the major reasons why FundsJoy ranks as one of the best bad credit loan lenders year in and year out. Please take a look below.

Bad Credit Loans Are Easy To Get

The approval process for a bad credit loan begins online. There is a very user-friendly online portal in which you can apply for emergency loans. You can apply for all kinds of loans, including payday loans, installment, and even bad credit loans.

FundsJoy Has 60 Lenders And Counting

Bad credit loans is what FundsJoy does best. With over 60 lenders, all of the lenders provide you with complete disclosure to their terms and conditions. Once you have met their criteria of being 18 years old or more, earning at least $800 a month, and having a checking account, you are eligible for an emergency loan. You will have to of course meet any additional criteria that the lender has. When it comes to FundsJoy, without questions, it is an impressive online portal, perfect for you if you are in search of an emergency loan.

FundsJoy gets a lot of positive reviews for payday loans. However, as we explained earlier, they are one of the best bad credit loan lenders.

Bad credit loan consumers have said that FundsJoy makes the loan application process safe and secure. This is a very important factor for people when they are applying for emergency funds. Safety and security of the application process ranks near the top of their list.

When people are applying for personal loans for bad credit, they often do this in the comfort of their own home. Just as long as you have internet access, you are able to jump on the FundsJoy online portal and apply away. It is really that easy! Online loans for bad credit made easy! That is what FundsJoy is all about.

What Are The Fees For Online Loans For Bad Credit?

There is an important term that you must know about. This term is APR. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) goes from 5.99 to 24.99%. FundsJoy asks for no setup fee when they connect a borrower with a bad credit loan. They play the role of a middleman in the loan approval process by connecting borrowers to lenders online. Once you are connected with your lender of choice, FundsJoy has done their job.

It is important to remember that FundsJoy is simply the middleman when it comes to loans for bad credit. Once you are successful in finding a lender through the FundJoy online platform, it is up to you to negotiate directly your bad credit loan with your individual lender.

Each lender has their own terms and conditions, including the interest rates, which can be discussed with you directly. The loan amount that can be issued could range from $5,000 to $35,000, depending on a number of variables. Interest rates, as stated previously, can differ depending on the lender, but that of payday loans can be considerably high, ranging from 200% to 1300%.

Do Online Loans For Bad Credit Come With Limits?

FundsJoy can connect you to people who can provide immediate money ranging from $5,000 to as high as $35,000 in some cases. After all, FundsJoy has over 60 active lenders that they deal with.

Smaller loans, like those between $300-$500, can also be applied for and are often a lot more common versus higher amounts.

Since FundsJoy is a ‘go-between’ in the lending process and helps connect consumers to potential lenders, they do not have a say in the terms and conditions of the loan-taking process. These terms depend on the lenders and can be directly negotiated with them.

FundsJoy can offer three kinds of loans, which can include payday loans, cash advances, and bad credit loans. Payday loans are the easiest to get with low qualification criteria; however, they usually have high interest rates.

A cash advance allows you to get a loan in cash other than that of your bank account and gives you the option of paying it back by your next pay check or in instalments. Bad credit loans are also provided if you qualify for the bare minimum criteria.

Since FundsJoy is so flexible, it can aid with emergency funds in so many different scenarios. It is really up to you to pick which lender is the best fit for you.


  • Fast application - 5 minutes
  • Lots of loan types - cash advance, payday loans, bad credit loans
  • Safe website
  • Smaller loans as little as $300
  • Larger loans up to $35,000


  • The individual borrowing the money must earn at least $800 a month to qualify

⇒Visit the Official Website of FundsJoy for More Information

Why Is FundsJoy The Best Emergency Loan Provider For People With A Bad Credit Report?

There are a number of variables to consider when picking the best emergency loan companies. FundsJoy has been lending emergency funds successfully to Americans all across the country. But what is it that makes MoneyMutual the company for bad credit loans?

  • FundsJoy has a very strong reputation

FundsJoy is one of the best in the industry. Before you take out the loan, be sure to look through the company's consumer review section. In this section you will be able to read about other borrowers who have been able to get emergency loans. Read about their personal situations and how much of a loan they were able to get. As well, you will be able to read about how their customer service experience was.

  • What terms does FundsJoy offer?

FundsJoy has very flexible terms and conditions. That is because they deal with so many lenders. Remember, the interest rate as well as the terms and conditions will be specific to each lender. Therefore, when you chose a lender of your liking, be sure to understand what their terms and conditions are, and be sure to understand what the interest rate is.

  • How quickly does FundsJoy transfer funds?

Emergency loans are all about receiving the funds right away without any delay. Lenders who can deliver loans in a speedy manner are the ones that you should look for. After all, emergency loans should be delivered to the borrower in a quick and timely manner.

If you are following along with us, and I know you are, you are seeing a common theme here. The common theme is that an emergency loan needs to be delivered quickly to the borrower. It needs to be delivered quickly because they are in a time of need, and they need the funds fast. A lender who delivers emergency funds slowly to a borrower would have no value to that borrower. Therefore, if a lender tells a borrower that they will receive emergency funds from them slowly, then that borrower will not chose them. The person borrowing the emergency loan will pick the bad credit lender who can deliver the loan to them quickly.

That is exactly why we would like to highlight FundsJoy, and their fast delivery of funds to borrowers that are in need.

  • How transparent of a company Is FundsJoy?

Some bad credit loan lenders try to sneak in those pesky hidden fees. We hate those pesky fees! If you are not sure what we are referring to , ‘pesky fees’ means that borrowers can get stuck with high interest rates or large loan set up fees. With FundsJoy, each of their 60+ lenders details their terms and conditions of their loan. As a borrower, make sure that you review the terms and conditions of the lender that you select.

No Credit Check Loans For Bad Credit And Bad Credit Scores

Are you able to get a bad credit loan without a credit check?

You bet! This is possible to do. However, there is one catch. The catch is that you have to be organized. Your prospective lender is going to ask you for some documentation, so it's important to know what exactly they are going to ask for. We explain this all below. Please read on...

The typical documents that a lender may ask for as proof of your earnings can consist of a payslip, w-25, copies of tax return records for the last two years, or 1099s. As such it is a good idea to keep the latest bank statements on hand and the phone number of your employer, in the event that you need to contact them in order to get these documents. Depending on who your employer is and if they have a Human Resources department, you can usually get these documents fairly quickly. If your employer does not have a human resources department, these type of documents can be obtained from the book keeper or accountant at your company.

If you are not aware of any book keeper or accountant, the best thing to do would be to ask your manager for this paperwork.

You will also need to have proof of your identity as well as your residential address. The proof of identity may include your drivers license, State Identity Card, or even a utility bill will do the job sometimes.

It is always a great idea to explain to the lender why you are borrowing emergency funds. By doing this action, you are painting a picture for them that will help them gain a better understanding of who you are. If you have any documents that you can provide to the lender, this can help as well. By doing this, you are showing the lender what exactly the funds are being used for.

It is important to remember that the lenders expect that you will pay back the loan. They examine your debt to income ratio to see what sort of capacity you have to repay the loan. Your credit score also matters here.

The next step is searching for the best lender for yourself. Once you have found the right lender, it is time to undergo a soft credit inquiry. A soft credit inquiry has no negative impact on your credit score.

The hard credit check is applicable only when you finalize an application or offer for a loan. You generally do not want to have your credit pulled too many times as that can have a negative effect on you overall credit score.

Read the terms and conditions of the offer carefully before signing it. Make sure that you are able to pay back the loan that you are borrowing.

The Pros And Cons Of Payday Loans

Did you know that you can get a payday loan regardless of your bad credit score? Although this is the case, we don’t recommend this option. Payday loans can be extremely expensive to pay back, and often come with unfavourable terms.

Payday loans may seem like a good idea. However, as you explore further, you will see that they are not a good option for you. This is because the annual percentage rate of interest is excessively high (up to 300% to 400%). Also, if you fail to pay according to the given schedule, you will have to pay extra charges and fees.

We strongly recommend looking at multiple lenders through FundsJoy. Look and see which lender best suits your needs. Look to see what their interest rates and terms and conditions are. Do not go with a bad credit lender that offers you unfavourable terms. Rather, select a bad credit lender that will offer you terms and conditions that you are okay with.

What Is A PayDay Loan?

If a lender promises you they won't do a credit inquiry, or credit score does not matter for them, it is a payday loan they are offering because the legit lending platforms will not tell you this.
  • Amounts are small
  • The repayment schedule is short.
  • APR is very high.
If you observe one or two of the variables above, there is a good chance that it is a payday loan.

Here Are Some Things That You Should Know About Emergency Loans

If this is your first time borrowing an emergency loan from a lender online, there are a few major things that we would like you to know about.

The major points are as follows:

  • There are no guarantees in life. That being said, when you apply for a bad credit loan, you are not guaranteed that you will get an approval for a bad credit loan. No platform gives a full and final guarantee for a loan. In fact, these websites have put on a disclaimer saying you might not find your lender on their site. This applies to you even if your credit score is favorable.
  • Do you know the difference between a secured and unsecured loan?. Although the secured loans have lower APRs, there is still one risk involved in them — losing your belongings if you fail to repay the loan since secured loans require collateral. In contrast, unsecured loans charge higher APRs but require no collateral. (If you did not understand this point, please read this again)
  • An unfortunate reality is that people with a bad credit score are stuck paying higher interest rates. But, these platforms can ease them out a bit since the lenders here work at a fixed interest rate range, which means market fluctuations will not cause you to pay more interest rates than what you signed up for.

FundsJoy, Emergency Loans, And No Credit Check Loans For Bad Credit

Q1. What Does FICO Think About Poor Credit Scores?

FICO defines a score that ranges from 600-660 as a fair score. To manage your expectations, do not consider this to be a good credit score. Also, if your score falls even a point below that, it would be considered poor. Therefore, we can say 600 is a borderline credit score.

Q2. If You Have A Bad Credit Score Can You Still Get A Large Loan?

Many lenders available online might be willing to give you up to $25,000 even with a bad credit score by charging you high interest rates. It is doable. It just comes down to the interest rate in many of these cases, along with the terms of the loan that is being offered by the lender.

One thing you must consider is how much you need the funds. For instance, if you need $1,000, you should request only $1,000, and nothing more. This is because the smaller the loan, the easier it will get approved, and of course, the lower the interest rates will be in many cases.

Q3. What Is The Best Online Loans For Bad Credit Portal?

Hands down we recommend FundsJoy as the number one lending platform in America.

Our Final Thoughts On Where Should You Get Online Loans For Bad Credit?

Online loans for bad credit are taking over the lending industry by storm! To review, some people call them payday loans, and some people call them a cash advance.

Whatever you call them, unlike conventional lenders that require a lot of written applications, in-office or in-person meetings, online platforms allow you to get funds transferred to your account in 24 hours. Online loans for bad credit are going to keep on gaining popularity as time goes on.

Online platforms like FundsJoy serve another great purpose. They can help you pave your way towards a good and even excellent credit score by reporting your timely monthly payments to credit bureaus.

It’s no surprise that we think VERY highly of FundsJoy. We have no problem stating that they are the best online loans for bad credit company since they allow you to apply for an emergency loan in confidence, and in the comfort of your own home.

We appreciate you taking the time to read our in depth review on FundsJoy. If you are looking for personal loans for bad credit, we feel that FundsJoy should be at the top of your list. It is perfect for people with a bad credit score.

=> Visit the FundsJoy Official Website For More Information