Hair follicle drug testing is an extremely accurate way to screen people for any drug use within the last 90 days. This type of drug testing has increased in popularity among employers and government agencies within the United States because of its high accuracy and long detection time.

These tests can be difficult to beat and take some preparation in order to pass hair follicle testing. Although these tests are accurate, there are some creative ways you can learn to know how to pass a hair follicle drug test. One of the best ways to pass a hair test is by using a high quality hair detox shampoo. In this article, we will help you understand how to pass a hair drug test using hair follicle detox shampoos.

How to pass a hair follicle drug test

For Guaranteed success on your Hair drug test visit

At home DIY solutions

Many people try the home remedy detox route, so before we go into the detox shampoos, we’ll take a look at these DIY remedies and their effectiveness at helping you to pass hair follicle testing.

  • Stop using drugs
One of the ways you can try to beat a hair follicle test is by not using drugs for 90 days or more before your test. By not using for three months or longer, your hair will be grown out enough past the required length of 1.5 inches and the test will not detect drugs in your hair. This may not be possible though if you don’t have enough time before your test, but refraining from using drugs can help keep them from showing up on your test. Stopping use can also be very difficult for you if you are a regular user.
  • No Hair No Problem? (Shaving)
Another at home hair follicle detox remedy you can try is shaving. You will need to shave all of your hair on your entire body because hair from anywhere can be collected for a hair follicle test scenario. A hair test obviously cannot be performed if you have no hair for them to test.
  • Peroxide hair treatment (Bleaching)
Bleaching your hair with a peroxide treatment is a popular at home hair follicle detox method because it can help lower toxin levels in your hair by 30%, in most cases this method is not enough to help you pass. note that it is not recommended to do more than one peroxide treatment, after the first one, toxin levels removed are minimal. You can bleach and then dye your hair back to your original color if you want the day before your test.

Are DIY home remedies effective?

While a few of these home detox remedies appear to be helpful, they’re not guaranteed to work. For example, although refraining from drug use can help you to pass a drug test; you are less than likely to know of an upcoming test three months before.

Shaving your hair off can help you avoid having to take the test as originally scheduled. However, this may be a red flag to your employer or the place requesting the test, so they may put you on probation as they wait for your hair to grow back so you can be tested. This period of time may be longer than the 90 day timeframe that can be detected on a test. You may be asked to provide a reason as to why you don’t have any body hair because of the suspicions this can cause.

People often think the chemicals in bleach are strong enough to get rid of the drug toxins in your hair, but this isn’t true. Bleaching your hair is only effective for very low levels, which is a big risk to take if you actually want to pass a hair drug test.

For the above reasons, it’s best not to rely on home remedies. The only sure way on how to pass a hair follicle drug test is to use a drug detox shampoo.

The Leading Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo for a Drug Test

While there are many detox shampoos available, the two we’ll mention below have been proven to provide success to people trying to pass drug tests. Only these two shampoos are specifically formulated to permanently erase all toxins from your hair so you can pass a hair drug test.

Get Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo or Nexxus Aloe Rid and Zydot Ultra Clean for Guaranteed results.

1. Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo - Best detox shampoo to get a pass on hair tests

Macujo Aloe rid hair follicle detox shampoo is the best choice to make when it comes to the hair detox products available on the market today. This shampoo has helped thousands of users pass a hair drug test and is a trusted, high quality product.

The powerful drug-detoxifying shampoo is made with strong ingredients to completely remove drug toxins from hair. This shampoo is considered to be the best on the market because it works for anyone and Drug and Alcohol By opening up the cuticles, Macujo aloe rid works to rid your hair follicles of impurities on the inside and outside. Best Price for Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo, Use promo Code (macujo10 at checkout)

Benefits of Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo

  • Guaranteed 99.9% success rate
  • Great for light to heavy drug users
  • Works on all drugs
  • Approved to work with the Mikes Macujo Method
  • Highly trusted brand
  • Live Phone Support and Instructions Included with purchase

Expected Results

Depending on how heavily you use drugs, the number of times you will need to wash your hair with macujo aloe rid will vary.

You can get the hair follicle completely clean from THC and other drugs if you follow the instructions provided by the makers of the shampoo. Using this as directed gives you over a 99% chance at passing your drug hair test. You can use Macuo Aloe Rid Shampoo along with the Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo to further increase your chances of success; however, you can use just the Macujo Aloe Rid on its own to completely clean your hair when used with the Mike’s Macujo Method.


Macujo aloe rid is an easy to use shampoo that comes with step-by-step instructions.
If you are an intense or daily user, This shampoo must be used with the Mike’s Macujo Method.

Mike’s Macujo Method Washes (9 steps)

1.   Wash your hair thoroughly with the original Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid, rinse off with plenty of water and dry with a clean towel.

2.   Get a large salad bowl and fill approx ⅓ with baking soda, and Slowly add warm water and mix until the consistency is of a marinara sauce, it must be very wet so it does not clump up. Now massage your hair 5 to 7 minutes, then rinse off and towel dry.

3.   Spray the Clean & Clear Astringent over your whole head, make sure to saturate your entire head and massage in 5 to 7 minutes. Have your towel ready and wipe any excess that drips down. Let Clean & Clear sit on your hair for 30 minutes.
Important Tips: Using Vaseline around your forehead and ears will prevent a rash from the Clean & Clear Astringent. You can also wear a shower cap, but be careful with the Clean & Clear Astringent as this is the strongest chemical used in this process.

4.   (After 30 minutes of the Clean & Clear Sitting on your head) Take a small dab of Liquid Tide and scrub your hair 3 to 7 minutes. Rub the Tide detergent with your fingers and you should feel like the tide detergent is an abrasive rubbing against the hair, Try not to make it very foamy or sudsy while scrubbing. then rinse off the tide detergent.

5.    Apply Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid and rinse off.

6.   Spray vinegar on your entire head and make sure you spray enough to saturate your entire head. Massage thoroughly into hair and do not rinse off, only pat dry to remove excess. Wipe forehead and ears if necessary.

7.   Spray Clean & Clear Astringent over your entire head on top of the vinegar, and make sure your hair is saturated with Clean & Clear and Massage thoroughly. You should feel a tingling sensation. (Do not get this into your ears or eyes). Have a towel ready to wipe away anything drips down and let the Clean & Clear sit on your hair for 30 minutes.

8.   (After 30 minutes of the Clean & Clear and Vinegar Sitting and on your head) Take a very small dab of Liquid Tide and scrub the hair follicle for 3 to 7 minutes. Rub the Tide with your fingers and you should feel like the tide is an abrasive rubbing against the hair. Try not to make it very foamy or sudsy and then rinse off.

9.   Now do one last wash with Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid so your hair won’t smell like vinegar or laundry.

How many Mike’s Macujo Method Washes do I need to do?

How many times you need to wash your hair using the Mike’s macujo method depends on how heavily you use drugs and what drugs you have used. This information is available on the website to direct you as to how many times you need to wash your hair with this product based on your drug use. All you need to do on the website is enter your name and email address and the specific drugs you’ve used in the last 90 days and the information will be sent to you. With this information available, you don’t have to guess or worry about how to get your hair clean because it is recommended for you.

Click here to see our washes calculator

When should I do Mike’s Macujo Method washes?

You should use this method with any amount of drug use, but especially when you frequently use hard drugs. When you have high levels of marijuana or harder drugs in your hair, you need to do Mike’s Macujo method washes using the Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo. This method works best to remove these harder drugs from your hair because it is a strong shampoo that gets rid of any drugs. You will need to repeat Mike’s Macujo method based on which of these drugs you used, but you can find this information on the website to get the details.

2. Zydot Ultra Clean – Best when paired with Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo

Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo is a great supplement to use to clean your hair even further. This should be used as a supplement with the Nexxus Aloe Rid or macujo aloe rid detox shampoo. The chemical composition of both shampoos complements each other well and can give you even more reassurance that the drugs are completely gone from your hair.

Ultra Clean shampoo is a 3-in-1 deep cleaning product that helps to break down the outer layers of the hair shaft to expose the inner layers. It then works to remove chemical buildup, medications, and other impurities present in the hair. Zydot also includes a purifying conditioner that gets deep in your scalp to dissolve the toxins that are rooted in your hair follicle.

Benefits of the Ultra Clean shampoo

  • Cleanses hair of external contaminants
  • Cost-effective
  • Great supplement to boost toxin removal from hair
  • Quick and simple to use

Although it’s an effective shampoo, it’s not strong enough on its own to totally get rid of drugs in the hair follicle. This is why it’s recommended to be used as a supplement instead of a stand-alone product. It cannot completely open the cuticles to prep the follicles for cleansing, so this will be most effective when paired with the Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid detox shampoo.

Hair follicle test FAQ’s

Knowing how to pass hair drug testing is important so that you are prepared. Here are some of the common questions people have when looking to pass hair follicle test situations.

How long does it take to get hair testing results back?

If the result is negative, this will be given in 24-48 hours. However, with a positive test result, it will take longer to get it back. Another test needs to be done to confirm a positive test result, which can take up to 72hrs. to get the results.

How do drug toxins get into your hair?

Despite the different ways in which drugs can be used (smoking, snorting, injecting, pills, etc.); the process of how drugs get into your hair stays the same.

It starts with metabolizing the drug after you use it, causing the substance to enter into your bloodstream. It gets carried throughout your body, eventually finding its way into the strands of your hair (head and body hair) where it gets embedded. If you have long hair, the ends of your hair could still have drugs present from even longer than the 90 days normally tested for.

Can second-hand smoke make you fail a drug test on hair?

Yes, you can fail a hair follicle screening because of second-hand smoke because the smoke can still get into your hair from the environment. The results of your drug test come from drugs that are in your hair carried through your bloodstream, but they can also be detected from exposure to things like second-hand smoke.

What drugs can be detected in a hair follicle sample?

The most common drugs tested for are the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Opioids
  • Cocaine
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Methamphetamine or amphetamine

A 5-panel hair follicle test is used to check for these substances and while this is the most common test that gets ordered, different tests are used to check for other drugs.

Simple Hair Tests

The most basic hair follicle test is the 5-panel test. This is used when only the most common substance is tested for like marijuana or alcohol etc.

Advanced Hair Tests

Advanced hair tests are more comprehensive and can detect a range of drugs, including painkillers and prescription drugs. These hair follicle tests check for 14 drugs at once and are a way to test if you use drugs in general.

14 substances checked in advanced tests:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • Tramadol
  • Oxycontin
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Methadone
  • Amphetamines
  • PCP
  • Fentanyl
  • Demerol
  • Propoxyphene
  • Sufentanil
  • Barbiturates

Do hair tests detect a single use?

Typically hair follicle testing doesn’t detect a single use, but there is still a chance it may be detected if you used it within the last three months. Some drugs, like cocaine, are very potent and hard to get out of your hair, and can show up in a test even if you only used them once within 90 days of your test.

How long from use can a hair follicle exam detect drugs?

Unlike urine tests, which have a shorter look-back period of just seven days, hair follicle drug testing can detect drugs you’ve used in the past 90 days. The 90 day timeframe is based off of the average hair growth of a half inch per month. The required length of hair for a test is 1.5 inches, which is three months of hair growth. Drugs may be detected in body hair past 90 days if this hair doesn’t get shaved often.

Do drugs stay in body hair?

Yes. Drug toxins travel through your bloodstream and into all of your hair follicles on your head and body.

Is testing body hair more accurate than head hair?

The accuracy of body hair testing and head hair testing is the same. The difference between the two is the length of time that drugs may be detected. This long detection time is what makes beating a hair follicle drug screen more difficult.

Does eyebrow hair get tested during hair testing?

Eyebrows could be tested for drugs. but it is very unlikely that a lab would do this, they would have to shave both eyebrows to have enough hair for the test.

What causes false-positive results in hair follicle screens?

Hair contact with surface contamination, manual contact with some drug types and even prescription medications can lead to false-positive readings. You should tell the person administering the test upfront if you take any kind of prescription medication.

Final thoughts

Hair follicle drug testing can be problematic for users because of the long detection time, but there are quality detox products like those discussed above that are made to eliminate traces of THC and other drugs from your hair. Using Nexxus Aloe Rid or Macujo Aloe Rid with Mike’s Macujo Method washes will totally remove drugs from the hair follicle and the Zydot Ultra Clean is a good supplement to use in addition.