There are two kinds of men in this world: Those who admit they’ve thought about using Viagra®, and absolute liars.

One thing that won’t lie is statistics, and studies show more than half of all men over the age of 40 will experience erectile dysfunction at one point or another[1]. For you young guys who think you’re immune, think again: 26% of men under the age of 40 will have ED as well.[2]

It’s not easy to acknowledge erectile issues, but ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. Most of the time, it makes it worse. Untreated ED can put a strain on romantic relationships, have negative effects on a person’s mental health, and decimate a man’s confidence.

Luckily, companies like Friday Plans are working to help men try ED treatments safely and discreetly, without breaking the bank or even visiting a doctor. Here is a guide to how Friday Plans works, and what customers say about the products it provides.

What Is Friday Plans?

Friday Plans
is a company that delivers ED medication directly to your home. The medication they provide is a form of the #1 most prescribed treatment for erectile dysfunction: generic Viagra®.

Friday Plans provides the generic version of Viagra®, which contains the same active ingredient known as Sildenafil. Because of Viagra’s recent patent expiration, Friday Plans is one of very few companies offering this generic online.

Generic Viagra® has been extensively tested as a treatment for ED, and has been used by over 17 million men since 1998 in the U.S. alone[3]. This generic ED medication has been approved by the FDA, unlike the treatments offered by some of Friday Plans’ competitors. Most other online companies are offering substitutes that have not been approved by the FDA to treat erectile dysfunction.

So, the medication has been 100% approved by the FDA to treat ED. But, how exactly does it work?

How Does Friday Plans’ Generic Viagra® Lead to Better Erections?

Generic Viagra® is the exact same as name brand Viagra®, and works in the same way; all it lacks is the branding. Basically, generic Viagra® increases blood flow and gives you a firm, hard erection right when you need it. Just take the pill anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours before you plan to have sex, and you’ll be good to go.

Some people think that generic Viagra® will just instantly give you an erection, but that’s not the case: You have to be aroused for the drug to work. This means you can take the pill during a date, without worrying about reliving the high-school horror of getting a boner in public.

Generic Viagra® will give you more control over your erections, while making them firmer and longer-lasting. That's one of the reasons so many of the men who’ve tried Generic Viagra® have been satisfied with their treatment.

Reviews of Friday Plans’ Flagship Treatment, Generic Viagra®

So the FDA approves, but what about the people? On the website, real generic Viagra® users talked about their experience with the drug. Out of 436 reviews, 77 percent of those using the ED medication said they experienced positive effects[4]. One user in particular had this to say:

“I had given up on ever getting fully hard in my early 50's, but this stuff makes me feel like a teenager again...Woke up with my best erection in years in the middle of the night. Damn near woke the wife up. She was mad that I didn’t!” -Eric

If 436 isn’t enough reviews, how about 1,000? In a large-scale study performed in 2007, a whopping 94% of those given Sildenafil reported being satisfied with their results[3]. That's 940 men just like Eric, who made sure they and their significant others felt the sexual satisfaction they deserved.

The first step is getting the medication itself. But with a company like Friday Plans, that process is incredibly simple, and begins with getting a prescription.

Don’t I Have to Talk to a Doctor to Get Ed Medication Prescribed?

This is one of the parts men worry about most: the doctor’s appointment. No one wants to talk to other men about their sexual performance, and many will put off treatment indefinitely to avoid it. But with Friday Plans, you can get generic Viagra® prescribed 100% online, without so much as a phone call in most states!

All you do is fill out an online questionnaire, which takes about 2 minutes, then a healthcare provider licensed in your state will review your answers and write your prescription for free. Consultation is still free even if you don't qualify! Shipping is free as well, and 2-3 days after your questionnaire Friday Plans will discreetly send Generic Viagra® straight to your door. So not only will you avoid talking to a doctor about ED, you won’t have to see a pharmacist either.

That's just some of the benefits of using Friday Plans to upgrade to Sex 2.0. But how much do these benefits cost?

How Much Does Friday Plans Cost?

Okay, so you’re probably thinking: “Oh, prescription medication shipped straight to my door? So I’ll pay a hefty convenience fee, just like I do when I order food delivery?” Shockingly, not at all. You’ll actually pay less.

Friday Plans is one of the least expensive ways to get ED treatments. The consultation and shipping are free, and each dose of generic Viagra® costs as little as $1.75 each for all strengths (including 100mg)! For comparison, a single pill of name brand Viagra® can cost upwards of $70[5]! Even getting generics from other online pharmacies will cost in the ballpark of $10 to $34 dollars per pill.

Friday Plans is able to keep their prices low by buying in bulk directly from pharmaceutical manufacturers, and building their own direct-to-patient platform from scratch. They also offer a 60 day money back guarantee, so if you aren’t satisfied, every cent you spent will be returned. Even if you ask for a refund, you get to keep any pills you’ve already received.

Seems too good to be true, right? Well, as with any service, Friday Plans has its downsides.

Are There Any Downsides to Friday Plans?

Well, we can’t just talk about the positives, so what are the negatives? One issue is that, unlike some of their competitors, Friday Plans does not offer generic Viagra® in chewable form. Some patients can struggle to swallow pills, which makes chewables a more attractive route of administration for their medications.

Unfortunately, Friday Plans doesn’t offer chewable pills. This is due to chewable forms of generic Viagra® not being approved by the FDA[6]. Not only that, but these medications are often made in compounding facilities, a non-FDA approved form of manufacturing with far less oversight and safety regulations.

Friday Plans does not feel comfortable distributing medication that is not made in an FDA approved facility. So if you require a chewable ED treatment, this is not the plan for you.

Where Can I Get More Information About Friday Plans?

Despite that, Friday Plans is still one of the absolute best services for getting ED medication. You can read more about what Friday Plans offers on their website, They also have 24/7 customer support, and are more than willing to answer any questions you may have about their product or services.

The bottom line is, Friday Plans can help you treat your ED and get stronger, longer-lasting erections. ED can ruin your sex life, but only if you let it. Get back to your old self right now- click here to get your generic Viagra® from Friday Plans today!

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