Out of the many types of drug tests available on the market, hair follicle testing is a highly accurate method known for its extremely broad window of detection. Regardless of how often or how little an individual partakes in recreational drug use, the follicle test is an extremely potent obstacle to overcome.

Regardless of the menacing nature of this test, there are still some fairly innovative solutions to help someone overcome this daunting boundary. In this guide, we will be covering some of the most effective ways to pass a follicle test and maintain your job.

Popular Products to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug test:

1. PassYourTerst - Detox Kit
2. TestClear - Detox Shampoo

What is a Hair Follicle Drug Test?

When it comes to drug detection tests, hair follicle tests set a gold standard for accuracy. While a urinalysis is an excellent way to detect fairly recent drug use, the hair follicle test can test backward for the last 90 days giving highly accurate information about habitual drug use. You can find information to help pass a mouth swab drug test here.

Thanks to its wide frame of test reference, hair follicle testing has become the standard for many corporations as well as being the standard for most government agencies. Hair follicle tests also prove useful due to their non-invasive nature and high difficulty to cheat.

3 Things that Won’t Help You Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test

Unfortunately for most people in a pinch, there is a slew of myths, rumors, and half-truths floating around the internet that sound helpful and even effective at a glance but none of them is a reliable method to pass this notorious test. Before we cover proven methods to deal with this particular conundrum, we are going to strike down these ill-conceived alternatives and clear the air.

Bleaching Your Hair

What would seem like a common-sense solution seen on multiple forums covering this particular subject, would surprise you to cause abysmal results. While bleach does an excellent job of stripping pigmentation from human hair, It is an absolute coin-flip if it helps you pass a test. The average results for bleaching average are at 40% and below, leaving a huge margin of accuracy still detectable by a hair follicle test.

Shaving Your Hair

Shaving your hair is the most obvious solution by a longshot. After all, they can’t test what they can’t take. The major issue with this is that most people who are using this method don’t realize that the hair sample being used doesn’t have to come from the top of the scalp. Hair from eyebrows, arms, beards, and everywhere else on the body is just as viable to test. And anyone showing up to a test looking like a hairless newborn is going to set off red flags to whoever is administering it, giving up the game before it even begins.

Abstaining from Drugs

Unfortunately, you’re not often given much warning when it’s time to take a hair follicle test. As a result, you won’t have the time it takes for abstinence to help you. If you are abstinent from drug use long enough for it to not show up on hair follicle tests, then you weren’t at risk of failing as it is. With a testing window of 90 days, the only real way to guarantee to pass would be to be completely sober consistently. In which case you wouldn’t need to worry about failing as it is.

How to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test

On the bright side, even though those ways won’t work out for you, there are solutions. We want to cover the foolproof ways you can pass a hair follicle drug test. There’s one way that shines above the rest, however. Some consider it the only way to pass such an advanced form of drug testing.

Using Hair Detox Shampoo

Of course, we’re talking about premium hair cleansing shampoo - aka, hair detox shampoo. These shampoos are designed to be able to help you pass a drug test with ease. They’re formulated to completely cleanse the hair molecules of any drug residue.

It doesn’t stop at just knowing to use hair detox shampoo, though. We want to touch on the top two recommendations we have for detox shampoo products so you know where to look. This section is all about covering which hair shampoos will work best for you — and why.

What Hair Detox Shampoo to Use to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test

Below are our top two picks for hair detox shampoo. When it comes down to passing a hair follicle test with little notice ahead of time, you have options.


A nutra cleanse folli-clean shampoo, PassYourTest’s ultimate cleansing shampoo works to cleanse your hair of any unwanted toxins. Not only does it help you pass a drug test, but you also walk away with a healthier scalp and cleaner hair! It works in just 60 minutes to completely remove any drug residue and other pollutants from the hair follicles.

Furthermore, included in the product kit is a cleansing coach to help make sure you pass. Likewise, you get a detailed shampoo instruction guide, so you don’t have to feel lost at any point of the way.

The cleanse result lasts for up to 24 hours, so do know that you’re on a countdown when you use the shampoo. PassYourTest’s detox shampoo is ideal for last-minute notices. Keep this on hand for when you need it most and you’ll never be caught slipping!

You could even go a step further, as they also have an Extreme Total Body Cleanse Program. Since an employer or someone else drug testing you could opt to use some other type of body hair, this helps in a pinch. It removes all toxins permanently from the skin, with a detailed detox guide and meal plan to come along with it. It allows you to first cleanse your body with the permanent cleanser, then cleanses the hair of toxins using the cleansing shampoo to leave your body completely free of any unwanted compounds.

We especially like PassYourTest because they’ve been an industry leader when it comes to detoxing since the year 2000. For over 20 years, their products have been working, so they’re doing something right.


Next up is TestClear, another worthy detox shampoo option. Their Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is designed to help you pass a hair follicle drug test flawlessly. It’s considered one of the best support shampoos to help pass a test, with Ultra Clean being an excellent pairing.

TestClear is ideal if you have a few more days’ notice than you would with PassYourTest. Use the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo to remove any toxins from your hair every day before your test, up to 3 to 10 days in advance. If you don’t have that much time, that’s okay! Multiple showers also work. Each shower should be about 10 to 15 minutes of lathering your hair.

Ideally, you want to use the shampoo at least 15 times before your test to get the most effective, absolutely optimal results. They even recommend using the shampoo in this series of steps: use normal shampoo, then rinse, then follow up by using the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. After you rinse that, then apply your conditioner.

It’s a deep-cleaning formula designed not to harm your hair by delicately removing environmental pollutants, residual buildup, chlorine, chemicals, hard water minerals, and any other impurities that dull the hair. The formula uses advanced microsphere technology to provide a gradual release that works.

Frequently Asked Questions About Using a Hair Follicle Detox Method

Still, have some questions about how using a hair follicle detox method even works? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Browse through the most commonly asked questions we get below and you’ll likely have your queries answered.

Which Detox Shampoo Works the Best?

We covered our two recommendations above, but there are likely other detox shampoos out there. Regardless, TestClear and PassYourTest are on the charts as the best two detox shampoos. Many users find that they’re worth every penny, especially with what it does to their hair after. Not only do you get to have the stress-free experience of passing an advanced hair follicle drug test, but you also walk away with shinier, healthier hair. Hair that’s been through a detox treatment gets the dullness taken out of it - so you’re in for a treat!

Can Detox Shampoo Guarantee Passing a Hair Follicle Drug Test?

There’s technically never a guarantee. You can purchase a detox shampoo and not use it properly and end up failing a hair follicle drug test as a result of that. It’s important to follow the instructions to the letter and trust in the reviews from previous users. It’s why we recommend the two products we do — because we’ve seen what they do and how they’ve helped others in the past.

Are there Any At-Home Hair Detox Methods?

There are certainly at-home hair detox methods, but none that work in a foolproof way. Most of the at-home remedies lead to a lot of hair damage for minimal results.

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your Hair?

Hair follicle testing can reach back as far as 90 days with high levels of accuracy, giving it the longest range of detection among the available drug test types. Depending on the substance used, a hair follicle test can even determine when someone started and ended their use period.

How Far Back Do Hair Follicle Tests Go?

Hair follicle drug tests can detect drug use in the past 90 days. Typically, because they’re such an expensive testing method, they’ll come few and far between. That means you can stock up on detox shampoo and keep it handy if something like that ever does occur!

Wrapping Up

In this guide today, we went over frequently asked questions users have about detoxing their hair, as well as the detox methods involved. We touched on the best detox shampoos, why and when to use them, and more. In conclusion, we hope we were able to answer any questions you might have about how to pass a hair follicle drug test. While it can be tricky, it can also absolutely be done!