Life has its challenges, everyday it seems like there is something new for us to face and the last thing we want to see is those challenges having an effect on our appearance. We are not alone in our battle against these challenges. Some of the effects on our appearance that may occur as the year progresses include hair thinning and dry skin. Natural Oils such as Batana Oil help combat the effects of hair thinning and dry skin when used in our routine. The aim of this article is to highlight the common causes of hair thinning and dry skin and show how Batana Oil can be used to combat these effects.

Common Causes of Hair Thinning

  • Stress - The lifecycle of hair on the scalp is segmented into four phases: Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, & Exogen Phase. The Anagen phase refers to when the hair on the scalp begins to grow, Catagen refers to when the hair transitions into mature hair, Telogen refers to the resting phase of hair, and Exogen refers to the stage in which the hair begins to shed from the scalp. When you experience stress, the lifecycle of the hair is affected; the hair present in the Catagen phase prematurely transitions into the Resting phase accelerating the rate at which hair begins to shed from the scalp (Exogen phase). As this occurs, you can begin to experience Hair thinning and shedding.
  • Aging - As our bodies age, we gradually lose the key components that once gave us the illustrious hair that we had when we were younger. Some of these key components include collagen and elastin; these key components provide the scalp with the proper hydration and nutrients that combat hair thinning from occurring within the scalp.
  • Hormonal Changes - Hormonal changes can contribute to hair thinning as individual’s age. For women, as they age their estrogen and progesterone levels may decrease. When these hormones decrease in women their hair begins to become thinner due to the size of their hair follicles shrinking. For men, as they age a testosterone byproduct, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is created by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase present in the body. The hair follicles on a man’s scalp are sensitive to (DHT), with excess exposure resulting in the hair follicles shrinking, shortening the lifecycle of the hair follicle leading to hair thinning and loss.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies - A balanced diet is important for providing the scalp with the nutrients and vitamins necessary to grow and maintain radiant hair on the scalp. If there are any nutritional deficiencies present in our body despite our best efforts then this can result in hair thinning and loss. Examples of some deficiencies that can lead to hair thinning and loss of hair include: Vitamin D, Biotin, Iron, Zinc, and Vitamin E. The good news is that these deficiencies are reversible and once the scalp is appropriately nourished the health of the scalp can begin to revitalize.

Common Causes of Dry Skin

  • Environment - The environment that the skin is exposed to plays a large role in the integrity of the skin as well as its texture. The texture of our skin changes based on the environment that we are exposed to. For example, if we are exposed to dry and airy environments then our skin will mimic this climate resulting in dry and brittle skin. This occurs because it is the skin’s natural response to the change in environment that the receptors on the skin perceive.
  • Aging - As we get older our skin gradually begins to lose its elasticity and moisture. Also as we age, our skin produces less oil that is used to naturally moisturize the skin. This decreased oil production serves as the leading cause of dry skin associated with aging.
  • Abrasive Skin Care Products - Skin care products are used for their benefits in order to improve the quality and appearance of the skin. However, sometimes these products may have unintended side effects associated with their use. The repeated use of abrasive skin care products can result in the presence of microtears which can drain the skin of the moisture that it needs which can result in irritated and dry skin.
  • Underlying Skin Conditions - Underlying skin conditions can contribute to the development of dry skin. Examples of underlying skin conditions that can result in the development of dry skin are: Eczema and Psoriasis. Eczema is defined as a condition in which patches of the skin become inflamed and develop a scaly appearance. Psoriasis is a similar condition which is characterized by the appearance of red and scaly patches distributed throughout the body. Because of the scaly portions of the skin that arise from these conditions, they are considered a potential cause of dry skin.
  • Hot Shower Usage - We all know the feeling of a good hot shower at the end of a long day. However, this part of our daily routine can potentially contribute to the development of dry skin. Now we are not recommending cold showers, but extended amounts of time under hot showers can contribute to dry skin. When we are in the middle of a hot shower, the hot water as it touches our skin begins to pull away the essential oils that keep our skin healthy and moisturized.

What is Batana Oil?

From the rich lands of Honduras, Batana Oil is a treasured oil that has been used by the tribe of the Tawira for generations because of its many benefits. Batana Oil is derived from extracting oil from the fruit of the Elaeis Oleifera tree which is native to Honduras. The extraction of Batana Oil is an intensive process which involves boiling the fruit to soften the outer shell in order to remove the kernel. Once extracted, the kernel is carefully cooked in order to extract the precious Batana Oil.

How Can Batana Oil Be Used To Combat Hair Thinning?

Batana Oil has been recognized globally for its ability to support hair growth. This oil is enriched with essential nutrients and vitamins that nourish the hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. For example, Batana Oil is rich in Vitamin A and E content which aid in hair growth. Vitamin E aids in hair growth through promoting blood circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E also provides protection to the scalp through serving as an antioxidant. Vitamin A supports hair growth through aiding in the production of Sebum. Sebum is a naturally occurring oil in the scalp which provides a suitable environment for hair growth. The nutrient rich content present in Batana Oil allows for to be used as a helpful ally in the battle against hair thinning and hair loss.

How Can Batana Oil Be Used to Combat Dry Skin?

Batana Oil serves as a natural skin emollient. The word emollient means, “ability to soften or soothe the skin.” Batana Oil contains key fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-9 which help soften the skin. A form of the Omega-6 fatty acids present in Batana Oil is linoleic acid. The presence of linoleic acid benefits the skin because it utilizes a mechanism for softening the skin. Linoleic acid supports the maintenance of the skin’s integrity, meaning that it supports the overall health and structure of the skin. The nourishment that Batana Oil provides allows for the skin to be soft yet radiant. Batana Oil can be used as a daily moisturizer to hydrate dry skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and glowing.

Who Do We Recommend When It Comes To Batana Oil?

In our opinion a trusted vendor of Batana Oil is Holistic Depot. Their Batana Oil arrives unadulterated and provides the true Batana Oil experience without the presence of parabens, fillers, or other dilutive substances. Their Batana Oil includes easy to follow instructions and a brief description describing their Batana Oil which we thought was a nice touch. Upon using their Batana Oil, we were able to experience softer hair and skin and are excited to see what’s in store for our hair growth and skin. Holistic Depot’s Batana Oil can be found either on Amazon or on their website. Holistic Depot Batana Oil 16 Oz (454G) is a versatile product that offers numerous benefits for hair growth and skin care. With its nourishing properties, it can help improve the overall health and appearance of both your hair and skin. By incorporating this oil into your daily routine, you can experience the transformative effects it has to offer.