Collagen is the main protein that forms our body's connective tissue, including bone, skin, and tendons. When collagen is ingested from outside sources, like oral collagen supplements and powders, it can improve skin elasticity and hydration. It will also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

There are a number of companies selling collagen powder these days. The sheer amount of options available can make it difficult to choose one. To help narrow down your search, we have evaluated the top brands to bring you the best collagen powders of 2022. This review factors in user satisfaction, quality, and cost.

Read on to discover the best collagen powders circulating the natural health and wellness world.


Best For


Best collagen powder product overall

Perfotek Collagen Peptides

Best unflavored collagen powder

Essential Elements Collagen Peptides

Best collagen for joint, skin, hair and nail support

Earth Echo Foods Collagen Peptides

Best dissolvable collagen powder

Promixnutrition Unflavored Collagen Peptides

Best grass-fed collagen peptides


BaristaBoost leader in the collagen powder market. This product includes high-quality collagen, as well as numerous brain-supporting vitamins and minerals. The power of this superfood blend can help to sharpen your focus and enhance your energy levels.

The supplement has been made with collagen building blocks in mind, offering a quick, easy way to have stronger, more elastic skin. Other key product benefits include improved joint and skin health and immune support.

BaristaBoost collagen creamer is free from dairy, gluten, additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors. Each serving contains 8 grams of protein, compared to little calories and carbs. It complements Keto, Paleo, Whole 30, and other diets.

The non-dairy powder can be mixed into either hot or cold liquid. Simply add a spoonful in and start stirring. You can add this to oatmeal, almond milk, hot water, smoothie, desserts, and other foods/drinks. It is recommended that you use a whisk to stir it because it provides a thick, frothy experience.

With a chocolate flavor; you won't notice that you're taking a nutrient-dense supplement.

Key Ingredients

  • Maca
  • Cocoa
  • Cinnamon
  • Grass-Fed Collagen
  • Stevia
  • L-Theanine

  • Great price
  • Certified organic ingredients
  • Rich in collagen peptides, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
  • Not many flavors are available
  • Daily use is required for the best results
  • Goes out of stock quickly

Final Verdict

BaristaBoost is one of the best products when you want something chocolatey to add to your food or drink. It is an overall power booster that helps you get energy and keep it throughout the day. It also improves skin, hair, and nail health.

If you're looking for an all-in-one product, then BaristaBoost is the right product. You can easily mix it into a variety of foods and beverages. And the powder supports many areas of your overall health and wellbeing. It is an ideal choice for anyone looking for high-quality collagen powder.

Perfotek Collagen Peptides

Perfotek Collagen Peptides
is another popular collagen brand on the market. This hydrolyzed peptide powder improves skin elasticity and nail health, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and prevents hair follicles from thinning and falling out.

It also supports various health benefits and contains many anti-inflammatory and mobility-enhancing properties. Users have reported strengthened bones, improved density, better joint health.

This collagen powder is easy to mix into coffee, tea, and smoothies. It has no flavor, so there are no aftertastes or other weird flavors to be worried about. The entire container will last around a month, giving you a serving per day for that entire month before more is needed.

This product is made with only high-quality ingredients sourced right in the U.S. Every container has pure Bovine Organic collagen powder. Both Type I & III are included. Additionally, all ingredients in the formula are free of sugars, gluten, heavy metals, soy, lactose, and GMOs. This collagen supplement is also pasture-raised, grass-fed, keto-friendly, and 100% natural.

Key Ingredients
  • 100% Natural Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides
  • Easy to use
  • Types I and III collagen
  • Unflavoured powder
  • A bit more expensive
  • Does not blend well with liquids
  • Must be used daily for best results

Final Verdict

Perfotek Collagen Peptides is great for those that strictly want the beauty support and health benefits provided by collagen peptides. There are no other key nutrients or vitamins included in this formula. But, the tasteless powder will ensure that you have the best possible experience when using the product.

If you want something that’s easy to find and easy to use, then we'd recommend this product. However, it is a bit more expensive than other options you might find.

Essential Elements Collagen Peptides

Essential Elements Collagen Peptides include hydrolyzed, type I & III collagen peptides that are the perfect addition to any supplement regimen. This Grade A bovine collagen is certified hormone-free and 100% non-GMO. The ingredient list also includes 19 naturally occurring amino acids.

The Essential Elements Collagen Peptides are enzymatically formulated to enhance bioavailability and absorption. This helps to support bone and joint health, strengthen hair, skin, and nails, improve gut and immune health, and benefit the body's overall wellbeing.

Essential Elements is a long-time collagen supplier and loved by those who have used their supplements. They have minimal packaging and source their collagen from the finest farmers due to environmental reasons.

The formula is completely grass-fed and pasture-raised. You know you're getting quality when you purchase through this brand.

The powder dissolves easily, ensuring that you can quickly add it to any drink you want to enjoy. There is also no flavor, so you won't even be able to tell it’s included in your morning coffee, tea, or smoothie.

If you want peptides that are going to work and be effective, then Essential Elements is a great collagen supplement to use. They have high-quality products, packed with ethically-sourced collagen and essential amino acids.

Key Ingredients
  • Pasture-raised, grass-fed bovine Type 1 Collagen derived from bovine bone and cartilage
  • Essential amino acids
  • Unflavored, so you can use it in whatever you want
  • Essential amino acids are included in the ingredient profile
  • The price is affordable
  • Inaccurate scoop size versus serving size
  • Some batches have a slight taste to them
  • Some issues dissolving

Final Verdict

This collagen promotes eye, skin, tendon, bone, and teeth health. The peptides also help to improve skin elasticity and hydration and provide relief from joint discomfort. You will find that amino acids help with other bodily functions, cognitive abilities, and even weight loss. If you’re interested in an all-in-one collagen product with clear benefits, Essential Elements is a great choice.

Earth Echo Foods Collagen Peptide

Earth Echo Foods Collagen Peptides contain 100% Bovine collage and 17G of clean protein to support healthy weight loss. This flavorless and dissolvable powder should be taken on a daily basis to get the maximum collagen benefits.

Earth Echo Foods has an entire shop dedicated to supplements and vitamins that provide building blocks for your body’s overall health and wellbeing. Collagen is just one of the many supplements you can purchase through this brand.

The collagen includes entirely pure, hydrolyzed grass-fed protein peptides. Key benefits of this collagen powder include relief from joint pain after exercise, younger-looking skin, and hydrated, less brittle hair.

There are 22 servings in each of the bags, giving you close to a month worth of scoops. It is recommended that this powder be used up to three times per day, but anything more may lead to gut issues. You may want to consider purchasing more than one bag to get the best value and results.

Earth Echo Foods Collagen Peptides contain no antibiotics, dairy, gluten, BSE, TSE, or hormones. It is completely unflavored, offering you the ability to mix with anything you want. You can add it to both food and drink options. The mix blends well and shouldn’t give you any issues dissolving.

Key Ingredients
  • 100% natural hydrolyzed collagen peptides
  • Key amino acids
  • Diary-free, gluten-free, keto-friendly collagen peptides \
  • Supports weight loss and a multitude of other benefits
  • Flavorless and dissolves easily into both food and drinks
  • A bit more expensive than the other options
  • Can only be purchased through their website
  • Have to use every day (possibly up to 3 times per day) to see results

Final Verdict

If you are looking for quality peptides, then you're in luck with Earth Echo's collagen powder. They offer exactly what you want–100% natural hydrolyzed collagen peptides–without any extras, gimmicks, or additives. Just 1 scoop supports youthful skin, healthy hair, beautiful nails, restful sleep, healthy digestion, and more.

Promixnutrition Unflavored Collagen Peptides

Promixnutrition Unflavored Collagen Peptides is a brand that is somewhat newer to the market. Their Hydrolyzed type I & III bioactive peptides are sourced from grass-fed Brazilian cows and contain Glycine aids for gut and central nervous system health.

With 20 grams of protein and 4.7g of glycine in every serving, you can expect that this product is one of the best for weight loss goals. This collagen and amino acid blend keep is also great for skin, bones, joints, and recovery support.

The peptides are sent in 97% plastic-free, recyclable packaging, which is ideal for the environment. There are also various flavors offered. You can choose between unflavored or chocolate.

You can also go with the Optimal Chocolate Collagen Peptides + BCAA, which is an upgraded version of the standard package. It features 18 grams of protein and 5.5 grams of plant-based branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) for muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients
  • 100% grass-fed Brazilian collagen peptides
  • Amino acids
  • Glycine aids
  • No additives, GMOs, extras, hormones, fillers, soy, or artificial anything
  • Three different types, flavors are available
  • Comes in 2 or 5 pound containers
  • A bit more expensive than other types of collagen products
  • Have to use the product every day to see results

Final Verdict

Promixnutrition Unflavored Collagen Peptides is a quality product. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, Promix offers a 90-day money-back guarantee. That’s how confident the company is in the quality of its products.

SkinnyFit Collagen Peptides

SkinnyFit Collagen Peptides support youthful skin, healthy weight loss, and strong joint and bone health. This versatile collagen powder contains 5 essential collagen types from 4 different natural sources. This variety helps to restore youthfulness from the inside out.

SkinnyFit offers a dense amino acid profile, in addition to the collagen peptides. For example, apple cider vinegar, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C are included in every scoop. The hyaluronic acid supplementation will increase skin flexibility and hydration, while the daily collagen supplement improves hair, nail, joint, bone, and muscle health.

For those who want a collagen peptide formula that provides a diverse set of benefits, then this is the one that you want to go with. You will start to see results within a month or so.

SkinnyFit is also known for providing other high-quality health and wellness supplements, other than collagen peptides. Some of the other popular supplements offered include Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies, Green Juice Superfood Powder, and Energizing Detox Tea.

Key Ingredients
  • Type I, II, III, V, X collagen peptides
  • 3 collagen peptide sources (chicken, marine, and bovine)
  • Amino acids
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Affordable price and larger size
  • Great quality product
  • Completely natural with no fillers
  • Only comes in one flavor
  • Doesn't last as long as you'd like
  • Long shipping times

Final Verdict

If you want a collagen supplement that is going to provide quality peptides with every scoop, then this is the brand you want to go with. They offer a lot of weight loss benefits, along with ingredients that support skin, hair, nails, tendons, joints, bones, and gut health.

Primal Kitchen Collagen Peptides is the perfect collagen product that is made with quality in mind. There are various flavors offered, including vanilla, chocolate, macha, coconut, as well as an unflavored version. The large sized container comes with over one pound of collagen. The scooper is also included, so you can easily figure out what you need per cup.

The collagen peptides are perfect for those who want something that mixes easily within the hot or cold liquids. This specific formula dissolves within minutes into the liquid. It’s great in savory soups, shakes, smoothies, coffee, and even baked goods. For a frothy, creamier experience, you might want to whisk all the ingredients together.

Every container is made with 10g of Type 1 and 3 Bovine collagen peptides per serving to support healthy hair, skin, and nails. This product is also keto-certified, primal-approved, and paleo-friendly.

Key Ingredients
  • 100% natural collagen peptides
  • Amino acids
  • A diverse line of collagen peptides and flavors
  • High quality product
  • Affordable price and great size
  • Have to take it on a regular basis to see benefits
  • Doesn't last as long as some would like
  • Some odd flavors

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a type of structural protein that makes up the framework of cells and tissues. It’s found in connective tissue, skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage, and provides support to these tissues.

There are 28 known types of collagen, but type I collagen accounts for 90% of the collagen in the human body. It’s composed mainly of the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These three strands play an important role in various cellular processes, like tissue repair, immune response, and tissue maintenance.

Why Is Collagen Important?

The body naturally produces collagen. As you age, however, collagen production declines. It may also become fragmented and more loosely distributed throughout the body. These distinct changes can lead to reductions in bone strength, as well as signs of aging.

What Are the Best Food Sources of collagen?

There are certain collagen-rich foods that can aid the body as it naturally produces collagen from amino acids. Collagen is found in all animals and it’s concentrated in certain parts, like the skin and joints. Some collagen-rich foods include poultry, fish, beans, and eggs.

Why Choose Collagen Powder?

While collagen loss is inevitable as you age, certain dietary and lifestyle changes can slow down this process. For example, collagen supplements can help to support skin health and improve bone density. Collagen powders, specifically, have a quality safety profile and are not associated with adverse side effects.

There are other options besides powders–such as capsules and tablets–that can be ingested as well. However, we've found that powders come in more varieties and offer a wider selection of benefits compared to tablets. The powders are also easy to digest and easy to implement into your daily routine.

Do Collagen Supplements Have Side Effects?

Collagen supplements generally do not come with any negative side effects. When manufacturers combine collagen with a ton of other ingredients, however, it could pose a health risk. For example, high levels of vitamins or herbal extracts may interact with collagen peptides.

This is especially true when supplements contain megadoses of certain nutrients, like biotin, which is also used to support the health of the skin, nails, and hair. Biotin and other high levels of vitamins could cause health issues when taken in extremely large doses.

Final Verdict

If you want to take collagen supplements to support your body’s collagen levels or bone health, then consider a product like a collagen powder. We recommend the BaristaBoost collagen powder overall. It may help to promote skin health, weight loss, and bone/joint health.

Once you start taking it and see the results, you won't want to stop. Try BaristaBoost for yourself and see the difference.