10. Iowa State Coach Paul Rhoads does his best Brick Tamland impression after being screwed over by refs in an October game.
9. Don Mattingly quickly became known for his rants after becoming the LA Dodgers Manager in 2011.The year of 2013 was no different.
8. Rants don't always have to be super angry. In fact, sometimes they can be super morose. Check out this depressing speech from Philadelphia 76ers Coach Doug Collins where he tries to laugh off a bad game (and does a poor job of doing so).
7. Former NY Rangers/Now Vancouver Canucks Coach John Tortorella lays down venom in his post-game wrap-ups. Watch Torts as he leaves a pile of Pittsburgh Penguins in his wake.
6. TCU Coach Gary Paterson talks in the third person and basically tells an opposing coach to "Come at him, bro!"
5. Les Miles is a perennial favorite when it comes to post-game explosions and it wouldn't have been a college football season without one of his classic rants in 2013.
4. He may not be coaching anymore, but former Notre Dame Coach Lou Holtz flipped the fuck out on national TV when debating Texas Coach Mack Brown on ESPN.
3. Little did we know that Nebraska Coach Bo Pelini went HAM on play-by-play man Greg Sharpe in 2011 and it's only seeing the light of day right now. The best part? It was after a win! Listen to Coach Bo go nuts on fair-weather fans and the media who criticized the team for the prior week of play.
2. The Colorado Avalanche knew what they were doing when they hired Patrick Roy to be their new coach for the 2013-14 NHL season. Roy can't even wait until the press conference for his freakout to happen.
1. As mentioned in the intro, SIU Coach Barry Hinson went wild last night. He calls his team "soft," "mama's boys" and made a dick joke along the way.