Read MT for the Articles
Metro Times is an alternative newspaper that doesn't appeal to certain demographics. The value of MT is in the articles it does that the mainstream media doesn't, or when it expands on what the mainstream media does but doesn't.
The ads represent a segment of the activity that does not appeal to certain demographics and is not allowed in some mainstream media — but they are legal advertisements for services.
The woman who opposes MT advocates for medical marijuana but is concerned about the sexy ads? If she has children, she should worry more about medical marijuana ads — and she is probably the worst guest ever on Let it Rip. She has no real basis for her objections. Sex trafficking? Selling slaves? The world would be a better place without the sex ads and medical marijuana ads in MT, but we must live with them in America — home of free speech ...
What worries me more is that she got a library to put MT behind the counter — she is a threat to free speech and the American Way. MT is not Playboy, Hustler, or Penthouse — they are 'men's magazines' that should not be readily available to children. She should read MT for the articles.
Long live Metro Times...
—David L. Malhalab, Detroit
Credit Where It's Due
I am a 56-year-old black woman, born and bred in Detroit. I just finished reading last week's Beer Issue and thought, "Where are the articles spotlighting black entrepreneurs and business owners in Detroit?" Through Google, I found the Huffington Post article dated July 14, cried like a baby, then got angry. Why didn't Detroit Metro Times write an article like this? Because 83 percent of Detroiters are black and there are over 32,000 black entrepreneurs and business owners. I have tried to obtain each weekly issue of Metro Times since I read the very first issue in 1980. It hasn't always been easy, and I don't always succeed, living in the ghettos of Detroit. Thank goodness for the Internet. I mostly agree with the magazine's opinions, and was most likely hooked when you took a stand regarding marijuana, which has been my medicine for 47 years. I am a registered patient since 2011. You pride yourselves on talking about issues not covered in mainstream news outlets, but I haven't missed your mostly Caucasian and white bias in news coverage, information and advertising, but, hey, what can you do? I find it unacceptable that Metro Times, a supposed liberal, progressive, and fair publication, allowed HuffPost to write about black Detroit business owners before you did. To make it right, please publish an issue titled "The Detroit Black Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Issue" and do an in-depth, informative, and caring job.
— M.P. Morgan, Detroit
MT Responds:
While we agree that it's important to highlight local black entrepreneurs in Detroit, we disagree that we have ignored them. In fact, the Beer Issue that you mention featured a Facetime interview with gallery owner George N'Namdi that addressed the very issues you raise in your letter. Our other recent coverage of black entrepreneurs includes stories on Parks Old Style Bar-B-Q, Shakespeare in Detroit's founder Samantha White, Dabl's African Bead Gallery and MBAD Museum, Savvy Chic, Rachel's Place, Tulani Rose, Regeania Coleman of the Jungle Juice Bar, and more. Furthermore, it should be noted that the Huffington Post article you mention referenced a Jalopnik article, which was, in turn, prompted by one of our blog posts about the issue.