Media Blackout

Sep 14, 2005 at 12:00 am
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

250 guys just walkin’ down the road, just like that? Why, they’re gonna swoop down and scoop you up so fast it’d make your MB49 swim! • Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin (Atlantic) :: If he keeps on strainin’ the larynx gonna break. • ShelbyThe Luxury Of Time (Gigantic Music) :: Steve McQueen is their hero, which explains why Virgil Hilts might’ve gotten over that second barbed wire barrier had he been listening to “Green Eyes” at the time. • HurstWanderlust (Round Rock) :: And if he’d been listening to this slammin’ Sammy slice of Hagarock, the Cooler King could’ve dug all three tunnels by himself. • Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin II (Atlantic) :: If he keeps on strainin’ the larynx gonna break. • Paul BrickhillThe Great Escape (Faber and Faber) :: If all you know is the movie, then you only know part of the story, because Brickhill’s account is a premier page turner. • Paul Winchell (R.I.P.) :: Tigger? I remember him as the ventriloquist straight man to Jerry Mahoney and Knucklehead. But it doesn’t matter what he’s remembered for, as long as he’s remembered. • Robert PlantMighty Rearranger (Sanctuary) :: When the larynx breaks, mama, he got to croon. • SIZZLING SERIES OF THE WEEK: AirwolfSeason One (Universal Home Video DVD) :: If you missed this Blue Thunder superchopper knock-off when it first aired a few decades back, now’s your chance to atone for your grievous sin of omission by buying this two-disc set. Not only does Jan Michael Vincent beat Roy Schneider at his own ace stealth pilot game, there’s the extra bonus of getting to watch co-star Ernest “McHale” Borgnine cranked up and kvetching in his best Escape From New York “Cabbie” comedy relief mode. • Be seeing you!

Jeffrey Morgan is a freelance writer. Send comments to [email protected]