Letters to the Editor

Apr 22, 2009 at 12:00 am
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Hit the road, Jack!

Jack Lessnberry's April Fools column demonstrates that, after 16 years, he should be summarily retired. As a professor of journalism, he is living proof that 'those that can't do teach.' Every Detroiter should be outraged by his hollow and callous analysis of what is happening to our lifeblood industry: automobiles and manufacturing. Controlled bankruptcy of GM and outright failure of Chrysler will decimate this region and state, which already has a 12% unemployment rate. Lessenberry, for God knows what reason, has joined the ranks of Richard Shelby (R-Alabama), Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) and, of course, his mondo liberal compadres, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chistopher Dodd, et al, in vilifying the Detroit automotive culture, particularly its execs. Why no mention of the UAW's complicity, Jack? You teach journalism students, then criticize Detroit papers for expressing the pain and resultant outrage of a region that's had to bend over and take it from Congress and much of America, while bankers get whatever they want, no strings? —Wayne Isbell, Redford

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