Blowing their stacks
Regarding Curt Guyette's cover story, "The big burn," Metro Times, April 2), we have firsthand experience with Detroit's incinerator, living about one mile from it. Ever since moving here a few years ago, we've suffered miserable symptoms and the correlation is quite obvious. We've lived in many different cities and all of them had recycling pickups. We're literally sick from breathing the air and we're tired of lugging our recycling to the recycling center. —Susan J. Levinson, Detroit
Defense mechanisms
When I read the closer of Jack Lessenberry's article "Dr. K's bad idea" (Metro Times, April 2), I was not surprised at the response that he got from the limo driver. As with so many "true believers," the facts never get in the way of "truth." For many Detroiters, the "truth" is that there will always be a cabal "out to get them," and that their leaders are "simply doing their jobs." It seems to be a common but lamentable human condition — one that will have to be dealt with with time, patience and diligence. —Matthew A. Sawtell, La Grange Park, Ill.
Dirty intentions
I assiduously agree that our government wants to hide our "environmental conditions," as Jack Lessenberry brings up ("Another scandal," Metro Times, March 19). The CDC study on the Great Lakes environment has been swept under a rug so the public may not become aware of its results.
I knew of this same study back in October 2006, while taking Ecology at Wayne State University. Our professor, Dr. Carl Freeman, brought up this study during a lecture; we discussed how there were governmental concerns about the scientific acceptability of the study at that time. What did this mean? The government wanted to find weaknesses in the study so the real results would not get into public hands.
Thank you, Rep. Dingell, for being a diligent congressman and pushing for the report to be exposed. When this report lands in public hands, I feel people have two choices; we can rally for solutions, or we can sit while the polluted environment takes over our lives. —Derek Wall, Dearborn
Tricky Jack?
Jack Lessenberry's tirade against Hillary Clinton accused the New York senator of using "gutter tactics" and likened her to Richard Nixon. ("Meet Hillary Nixon," Metro Times, March 12) He insists the campaign "has revealed the real Hillary Clinton" and even accuses her of Nixon-like character assassination.
In reality, what has been revealed is the real Lessenberry, who should mind his own glass house when talking about character assassination. Let's see, Sen. Clinton is asked about Sen. Obama's religion and she is, therefore, Nixonian. Others in the media have even accused Sen. Clinton of racism because she has acknowledged the crucial role Lyndon Johnson played in the civil rights movement.
Sen. Clinton thinks her husband and LBJ were good presidents. Meanwhile, Sen. Obama made it a point in this campaign to show reverence for Ronald Reagan. Once could imagine Lessenberry's reaction had it been Sen. Clinton who looked to the Reagan legacy for guidance.
Rest assured, the tough questions for Sen. Obama won't come from Lessenberry. Instead of referring to Sen. Clinton as "Hillary Nixon," one might consider referring to Lessenberry as "Jack Limbaugh."
—John O'Neill, Allen Park
Enough is enough
Thank you for the update on the mind-boggling expenses being spent on the Iraq war ("Blood & greenbacks," Metro Times, March 19). Two years ago, when I was still in high school, we were nearing the $400 billion mark; today, you have a president that has requested "$607 billion" since the start of the Iraq war in 2003. Wow! If we keep this up, we might break a record!
I'm a native of Iraq and a proud American citizen, and even I know when too much is too much. It's getting out of control: Promises were broken, and it's taking a toll on the American taxpayer. The majority of the money comes from the pockets of the Americans that do not support the war, not Bush or his supporters.
Pam Schwartz says, "no one has questioned the accuracy of the numbers." There is a good reason to that. How could they? You can't play down these numbers even if you wanted to. The $607 billion doesn't even include other costs, such as the treatment of wounded soldiers and the replacement and repair of military equipment.
That number has one way to go — and that's up. How fast it climbs depends on our nation's leaders and their choices. Yes, that includes the Congress acting instead of just talking. —Ali H. Al-Hassan, Dearborn
Parents should grow up
It baffles me how parents such as the ones in Dan Savage's advice column can be so unsupportive and cruel to their children when they don't turn out as they'd planned ("Out the hard way," Metro Times, March 12). I'm not gay, but if I was, I'd know that if anyone in this world was on my side, it would be my family. This world is hard enough on gays and lesbians without the parents joining in too! Parents protect their kids when they're little; why not at least be on their side when they're older?
Although I think Dan Savage's advice to "Tell your asshole parents what their asshole ears want to asshole hear" until CPAC is 18 is good advice for his situation, people shouldn't have to hide who they really are just because they're "different."
Parents shouldn't be disappointed; if anything, they should be proud of their children for having the courage to be who they are. There are too many people in this world — and not just gays — who hide who they really are because they don't want to be "different." If more people had the guts to be themselves, "different" would become the new "normal." You don't have to be gay to accept them; you just have to be human. —Samantha Paraski, Westland
Truth decay
Nice review on Moro's Dining in Allen Park (Short Order, Metro Times, April 2), however, to say the surrounding area is decayed is way wrong. Right across the street from Moro's is the new Broadcast Booth restaurant and bar; there's also the Monterey Music Cafe, which has live entertainment and DJs. Right down the street, Tina's restaurant is a great place for breakfast and lunch. And City Coffeehouse has been going strong for 11 years, and is, in my opinion, one of the best coffeehouses around. These are just a few of the local businesses that are doing well. The surrounding neighborhood of homes is really neat and well-kept. Somebody didn't do their homework. —Mal Lang, Allen Park
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