Still hopeful
Regarding "Just go" (Metro Times, Feb. 27), I'm just a parent of three kids who cares about what's happening in the city of Detroit. I've lived here all my life. And it has been hard to tell my kids that they should do what's right, go to school, be honest, while seeing this city go down to where people want to leave. People have lost hope in the city of Detroit, but I know that right will win out in the end, no matter what others may say or do. —Patricia Malone, Detroit
Crumbling dreams
Throughout this entire situation (I'm tired of the word scandal), Metro Times has been fair and thorough in its reporting of this story. I must say that I am a bit disturbed that most of the people who weigh in on the matter are suburbanites. I know this affects them too, but that's not the point.
Instead, let's hear from people like my 84-year-old grandmother, whose taxes are steadily rising, yet she has been calling the city for an entire year about the three abandoned homes on her block. The entire block club called 311, the Detroit police, and the ombudsman for a year regarding the obvious chop shop that was being run right across the street. They finally sent a squad car: The officer who came out wasn't there to investigate, he was there to collect his rent. He owned the property! Subsequent calls were never returned nor was the issue addressed any further.
This is so much bigger than a little extramarital horizontal mambo. I could care less what "The Hip-Hop Mayor" bobs his head in, I do however care what happens to Detroit. —Kimberly Yvette Pitts, Dearborn
Kwame still electable?
When I read Jack Lessenberry's article, "Focus on the facts," (Metro Times, Feb. 6), I had to chuckle to myself. If my hazy memory serves, the late great Coleman Young was caught with a fistful of Krugerrands and an illegitimate child with a much younger woman, and had no trouble with winning an election or two — much like Marion Barry in Washington, D.C. So against videotaped drug use, support of an apartheid regime, and robbing the cradle, Kwame's little screw-ups have very little chance of not getting him re-elected. —Matthew A. Sawtell, La Grange Park
Won't get fooled again?
I live in the city. I have almost my entire life. And, sadly, I believe that the mayor will come out of this with a slap on the wrists, and if he chooses to, will run for and probably win re-election. The people of Detroit haven't shown the wisdom of learning from the old adage, "Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me." Here's to the continuing foolishness. —Andrew Keith, Detroit
Overdue praise
As a proud Hamtramck resident I was thrilled that our community was the first chosen to highlight various areas in the metropolitan region. My only complaint was that the Hamtramck Public Library was omitted. This grand institution has hundreds of programs annually that touch thousands of residents, cumulatively. Hundreds of people pass through its doors daily. Our librarian and staff work tirelessly on behalf of the patrons. Surely more people have contact with the library than any other place mentioned in the article. Otherwise, bravo! —Rik Lapham, member, Friends of the Hamtramck Public Library, Hamtramck
Katha's wrath
I'm amazed and deeply disappointed that Metro Times has chosen to run this shallow and hateful guest opinion column ("Ralph rides again," March 12). Katha Pollitt has taken the easy, knee-jerk reaction to Nader's repeated runs for president. She misses his point entirely when she claims that "it's all about Ralph and his right to run." Perhaps a woman who wouldn't clap for Tinkerbell has no sense of humility and true idealism. Ralph Nader knows that it isn't about the difference, or lack of, between Tweedledee and Tweedledum that is wrong with this country's political structure, but rather about the monopolization of the process by the two-party system. I recommend a viewing of the Independent Lens documentary, Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man. Open your mind and shut your mouth Ms. Pollitt, at least when it comes to bashing this country's truest hero. —Karen I. Nebel, Ann Arbor
More boos & hisses
After reading your paper for some years now, I've come to the following conclusion: Your critics don't know how to critique. Simple as that. All I hear is their personal bias (something I don't really care for).
When I read a critique, whether it be for art, music, film or video games, I only want to hear one thing: Is it worth my time and attention, or not? Either way, I'd like to know why it is or isn't worth my time. There's usually some basic knowledge and criteria to judge by, and the critic explains what they observed.
At least, that's what I've always assumed a critic is supposed to do. Upon reading many of your reviews, I can't help but notice that they never explain why the item in question is bad. What made A Detroit Thing (Cinema, Feb. 13, Metro Times) a so-so film, exactly? From what it sounds like, they did not film the bands you really cared for, and, honestly, isn't that a matter of taste? Is it even possible for two men to film every little unknown (by mainstream standards) garage band in the Detroit area? My guess is no. So they didn't include your favorites. What else makes this film mediocre? The main character? I don't understand why reviewer Corey Hall didn't care for Tino as a focus, other than the fact that he doesn't personally like his musical style. Again, that's a matter of personal opinion. Many of the critiques in this paper don't sound like critiques at all, but rather personal vendettas or bias. "Don't listen to this band because I've never liked their music so I automatically hate this album." That's the impression I get with so many pieces from this paper. So please tell me, what was the problem with this film? Because your article didn't answer any of my questions. —Julianna Frost, Royal Oak
A sweet finish
I have to say kudos to the writing staff at Metro Times. I don't live in the Detroit area but always pick up any Metro Times issues I can find. The kudos is for the great job you are doing as of late.
In the past I have picked up Metro Times just for the concert and happenings around the area, convinced that the articles never applied to me, or just didn't speak my language. To my surprise, on my last visit to the area, I picked up three different issues at once, and was pleasantly surprised to find a number of articles I actually sat and read.
Your writers seem to have a good pulse of the area (and state) and seem to be writing concise articles. Not too long or short and when they are lengthy they are keeping my attention. I would often lose interest quickly in the past. Not so now. Great job. Whatever you all are doing, keep it up and I will make more of an effort to pick up issues weekly. —C. Photiou, Flint
Errata: In Sean Bieri's art review "Altared States" (Feb. 27, Metro Times) the closing date for the exhibit Matters of Life and Death: Religions of the World was incorrect. The show runs through the end of March at Ypsilanti's Dreamland Theater. Also, in our You Are Here supplement about Hamtramck ("A new world," Metro Times, March 5) we got the hours wrong for the Painted Lady Lounge. The bar is open daily, 6 p.m.-2 a.m., with happy hours between 6 and 10 p.m.
Send letters (250 words or less, please) to 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226; faxes to 313-961-6598; e-mail to Please include your telephone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity and libel.