Letters to the Editor

Oct 3, 2007 at 12:00 am
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The Peters principle

Re: Jack Lessenberry's postscript at the end of his Sept. 26 column ("Our sorry state," Metro Times).

Support for Gary Peters is widespread. I take strong issue with Jack Lessenberry's assumption that support for Gary Peters somehow emerged as a backroom deal. Many women, gays and others outside of the "smoke-filled rooms" of politics strongly support Peters. Nancy Skinner gave it a good run and she did a good job, but Peters has been elected in this district, has a far superior capacity for fundraising and is better known than Nancy.

Many of the people that were early supporters of Skinner are supporting Peters now. Just because many people are lining up to support Peters early does not mean Skinner has been left behind. Unity behind a candidate should be seen as successful electoral discipline.

The same is starting to occur in the 7th Congressional District with other Democrats jumping out of the race once Mark Schauer announced he was in. The 9th Congressional District belongs to no one, certainly not Joe Knollenberg.

If Skinner wants to run that is her right, but as an early endorser of Peters, we are also about transparency and, as a progressive, I am personally opposed to smoky rooms. —Sean Kosofsky, elections committee member, Triangle Pride PAC, Detroit


Skinner's shot

Thanks for Jack Lessenberry pointing out the playground bullying done by the state Democratic Party in pushing aside Nancy Skinner. She earned the right to take down Joe Knollenberg in 2008 with her strong campaign in 2006, but, no, the old boys' network prevailed. I heard her speak at the peace rally in Pontiac and was extremely impressed.

And the Democrats wonder why voters are cynical! —Sarah Smith Redmond, Rochester Hills


Educate the electorate

Jack Lessenberry's advice to students ("Letter to a student," Metro Times, Sept. 5) should be read and heeded by every citizen of this blighted country. If voters in the last two elections had used brains instead of fear and prejudice in deciding who should run the country, I don't think we would be in this fiasco of another senseless war, the debacle of New Orleans, or the exodus of jobs out of our country. —Carol Caramagno, Oak Park


Radical questions

Dear Brother Jack: I always look forward to reading your column. It's good to know that there are still journalists out there who actually do their homework and who are willing to call things as they clearly are. Your assessment of Al Gore's book ("The man who has them nailed," Metro Times, Aug. 15) was on point. But I always wonder how people like Mr. Gore can make such profound assessments of our political system, yet continue to feel that these things will be fixed in a capitalist society, as if the power elite can change (or would be willing to change) the nature of a system based on exploitation and oppression.

Still, it was good to see someone on the "inside" make a sound analysis of our situation. I hope there are enough of us who continue to critically think and are willing to work toward a better America and world. And, no, my Brother, I'm not advocating the "dictatorship of the proletariat" — but I do feel that there is a better way beyond capitalism. Your "Letter to a Student" was right on. I talk with many educators and there seems to be a consensus among them that far to many of our young people simply lack critical thinking skills, and that scares me.

I pray (whether you believe it or not) for your good health and strength so that you can continue to do the good work that you do. —Vincent Brown, Detroit


Sweet sound of success

Sandra Svoboda's chat with David DiChiera ("Feast your ears," Metro Times, Sept. 26) concerning his forthcoming world premiere of Cyrano at the Detroit Opera House exposes a true Detroit gem. Here is a local arts impresario without peer. While conductors have come and gone at the DSO and the DIA has changed leadership several times, in the meantime DiChiera has established an opera company and built a house. And now comes the third part of his trilogy which will truly bring world attention to Detroit.

Hotels can be grateful for the opera performers that stay downtown; the Detroit Athletic Club and local restaurants for the tremendous business Michigan Opera Theatre generates; and, businesses for the enhancement to a world-class image. Historical preservationists have DiChiera to thank for the rebirth of both Music Hall and the Detroit Opera House. He has given purpose to both.

Beyond that, here is an individual personally responsible for creating an institution that will benefit all of Detroit and Michigan for the centuries. We are fortunate to have such an opera star in our midst. —Robert P. Thibodeau, Detroit


Taken for a ride

Motor City Cribs & Rides is one of the lamest features to ever run in Metro Times. Week after week, we see where some minor local celebrity lives or what they drive. Who cares?

With rare exceptions, there is nothing interesting or unique about the houses or cars in question, while their owners display a lack of a sense of privacy. With all that is going on in the Detroit area, surely Metro Times can find more important stories to fill the page, instead of this drivel.

Beyond a doubt, Cribs & Rides is a waste of space, and deserves to be dropped. —Dave Hornstein, Southfield

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