Letters to the Editor

Dec 10, 2003 at 12:00 am
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Wrong questions

Rather than make personal attacks on Channel 7 reporter Steve Wilson (“Role reversal,” Metro Times, Nov. 26-Dec. 2), perhaps Jeremy Voas’ readers would have been better served by researching the issues that Wilson raised in his investigation. Wilson’s personal shortcomings and alleged unlawful behavior have absolutely no effect on the spending habits of the Detroit Public Schools. Since Wilson could not get straight answers to his questions about the potentially lavish spending of our tax dollars, maybe Metro Times could. Your article on Wilson makes for great sensationalism but fails to serve any benefit to the taxpayers. Thanks for the warning about voluntary donations to his legal fund, but I’m more interested in knowing how my involuntarily collected tax dollars are spent. —Steve Sutton, [email protected], Farmington Hills


This isn’t news

Kudos for your piece on Steve Wilson. The man is a muckraker and a fraud. I hope you stay on him, and by doing so indict the whole “killer in your medicine cabinet” bullshit that dominates the tone of our local television “news.” Personally, I wish Burnley or his information officer had kicked his ass. —Charlie Kondek, Ypsilanti


We’re insensitive

What, if any, purpose could it possibly serve for you to publish that Craig Peters had been dead several days before his body was discovered (“Fallen friends & Catholic girls,” Metro Times, Dec. 3-9)? By your own admission you don’t have any details on how or why he passed; such a statement cannot help but promote the most lurid speculation as to the circumstances. Has Metro Times crossed over into Weekly World News territory? Shouldn’t a local musician of note deserve just a bit more respect from a publication that claims to support and promote the local music scene? You could have noted his passing, his curriculum vitae, and that details of his death were unknown at press time, and left it at that. Instead you chose to take the low road into sensationalism. For the people who knew him, such information could only be painful; for the people who didn’t, it’s hardly relevant. This wasn’t news, it was a cruel and totally unnecessary act — and you should be ashamed of yourselves for publishing it. —Meg Geddes, [email protected], Ann Arbor


Shady story

Brian Smith damaged the credibility of his article, and his knowledge of hip hop, when he stated in his article (“The Em-word,” Metro Times, Nov. 26-Dec. 2) that The Source magazine’s Kim Osorio, Ray Benzino and David Mays were African-American. He was one for three. Osorio is a self-identified Latina and David Mays is a white, Jewish kid from Washington, D.C. How did he come to a conclusion that they were all “African-American”? Was it simply by sight? If so, can he be accused of a parallel racism that just lumps people together based on the way they look?

Also, it would have been nice if Smith and The Source had gone back to Ice Cube’s 1993 track “Cave Bitch” to see if the cries of racism now being directed toward Eminem were aimed at Cube for his rant against white women. People who claim to love or know hip hop have to think critically about such issues if the culture truly and sincerely wants to progress. —W. Jacarl Melton, [email protected], Ann Arbor


Amen, sister, amen

I just finished reading Gina Pasfield’s letter to state Rep. Drolet (“Tips, screws & the minimum wage,” Metro Times, Dec. 3-9). Talk about right on target. I also worked my way through college as a waitress, and it is amazing the number of people who don’t know how to tip. I for one hope the bill passes.

As for those Scripture tippers (who definitely are the worst), maybe they can direct their efforts and pray for this to pass. In the meantime, why don’t we all remember to tip at least 20 percent every time we dine out? —Kelly L. McDonald, [email protected], Royal Oak

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