Letters to the Editor

Jul 31, 2002 at 12:00 am
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Don’t pick scabs

Jack Lessenberry's column about the Green Party's refusal to nominate a strikebreaker for Congress, ("The court and the council," Metro Times, July 24-30) was a real disappointment.

Jack lamented that Mike Madias, a scab writer during the newspaper strike who wanted the Green endorsement, was rejected. Lessenberry seems to forget that the newspapers hired thugs who, along with police, regularly beat and intimidated strikers. Scores of people were arrested. A lot of union people were out of work for a long time and many were not rehired even after the strike ended.

The Green Party, unlike the Democrats or Republicans, advocates repeal of anti-union legislation like the Taft-Hartly Act. Many strike supporters are also Green Party members. Ralph Nader marched with newspaper strikers in the Labor Day parade. Why would we want to nominate a scab to run for Congress?

Lessenberry also confuses the Green Party with the Green House, a Ferndale business owned by Tom and Sue Ness. They might be preoccupied with "squabbling over whether to move their headquarters and whether to allow people to bring pets to their meetings," but that's the Green House — not the Green Party. —George Corsetti, Wayne County Green Party, [email protected], Detroit

Shades of Green

I'm a volunteer with the Green Party of Michigan, and I'm writing to take issue with Jack Lessenberry’s column. The decision to deny Mike Madias the nomination was not made trivially. There were many people present who had worked extensively to support the newspaper strike; his choice to violate the strike was extremely distressing to them. I didn't happen to be among them and voted for his nomination, as I felt him to be a good candidate, even given this blot on his record. However, I would point out that he was somewhat unresponsive to the questions which were put to him; he appeared to be trying to deny that he had in fact violated the strike, which looked rather shifty when people called him on it. I think if he had stuck to his guns regarding the personal necessities which drove his decision, he might very well have carried the day. I'm sorry he didn't get the nomination, but I don't believe it was the act of political idiocy you made it out to be. —David Q. Spitzley, Belleville

Economics lesson

In response to Jack Lessenberry's column "The cows come home" (Metro Times, July 17-23), he has overlooked that the economy of the United States, as well as all others in developed nations, follows a cyclical pattern of expansion and contraction. We are fresh off 12 years of unprecedented economic expansion. Lessenberry's conviction that a bad economy (which is a point that is highly debatable, for the stock market is the only aspect of the American economy that is unanimously considered weak) is entirely the result of half a year of Bush's presidency/cronyism, is lacking in economic sophistication. To the best of my knowledge, it has not been stated that the loans made to Joseph Naccio at Qwest or Bernard Ebbers at Worldcom were interest-free. If they were, than this would be evidence of the CEO abusing his authority. If they were not, this is simply one way by which companies add value for their shareholders, which include the "savings and pensions of millions" who were all presumably aware of the risks assumed when they invested in equities. —Mike Taylor, Farmington Hills

Picture perfect

Great photo on the front page of the paper from Sarah Burger (Metro Times, July 17-23). I really enjoyed seeing work from an independent young

artist like Sarah. —Jyna Maxwell (cq), [email protected], White Lake Township

Two thumbs up

What a wonderful article Andrea Leptinsky wrote about the three guys making the film ("Documentary filmmaking 101," Metro Times, July 24-30). They are not looking to make money but to bring people together. The world needs more people like those three. Our hats go off to Metro Times for printing that item. Please keep us informed as to how the project is coming along. —Bob & Kathy Retich, [email protected], Howell

Ordinary folks

I thought that Andrea Leptinsky’s article about the filmmakers was very interesting. How amazing to have that sort of thing happen to an ordinary person; just to send someone famous an e-mail and get invited to their house and then be able to film them. I really hope that the film is a success and that they go on to make there similar films. I would be interested to hear what happens. —Anne Parkin, [email protected], Royal Oak