Letters to the Editor

Jul 24, 2002 at 12:00 am
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All about skills

Jack Lessenberry in his column ("Gov’s race: home stretch," Metro Times, July 10-16) quoted Bill Ballenger’s assessment of Jennifer Granholm that "the great unanswered question is whether she possesses the political skills to survive in a difficult environment." He goes on to make it clear that he does not favor Granholm for governor and would pick former Gov. James Blanchard over her.

Blanchard cannot survive in a difficult political environment. His second failed, statewide, when he ran as an incumbent against a little-known state senator named Engler whom he should have clobbered proves it. Blanchard couldn’t beat the right — nor could he get along with the left, Coleman Young.

To suggest he would be a better choice than Granholm on the basis of political skills is ridiculous. To suggest any Republican would be better than a Democrat, given the influence of the religious right, is also ridiculous.

The only true race here is Granholm vs. Bonior. Frankly, I could support either one. —Gary A. Benjamin, Detroit

Switching sides

Every week you publish articles bitching about the Republicans in Michigan government and then Lessenberry writes that a Republican candidate for governor is the best bet for Michigan.

What is going on?

What is so hard about hiring a political writer who reflects the values of most of your readers, as well the rest of the paper? Why doesn't Metro Times make the case for voting a Democrat in for the governor's race? Lessenberry's endorsement seems to make the case that a Republican should be voted in merely because he is not as right wing as his opponent. Huh? No wonder the Michigan Democratic Party is such a pathetic organization.

Let's hope the Metro Times rises to the occasion. Otherwise, there would just be rock and roll reviews. —Ed Sarkis, Troy

Who’s that guy?

I am a former Birmingham resident and enjoy getting on the Internet and seeing the happenings in Detroit. Your latest cover (July 17-23) is very intriguing. Who is the handsome young man? I could not find a story on him. The photo is excellent. Keep up the good work. —Bette Remington. Camano Island, Wash.

Editor’s note: The subject of the cover photo was Steve McCauley, an Ann Arbor-based musician and the boyfriend of photographer Sarah Burger.

Funny girl

I just want to comment on the story written by Michelle Woolery called "Cancer is Funny" (Metro Times, July 17-23). I thought she did an excellent job writing this piece and can only assume she wrote it from experience. I really enjoyed reading this story and found it hilarious. Is there any chance she may be writing more material? —Rayna Tinsley, [email protected], Ann Arbor

Proud author

Thank you for selecting my story, "Trip to the Jubilee Barn," for the fiction issue. It is in fine company judging by the other selections. I consider it an honor to see my work in Metro Times. —Dave Hardin, Royal Oak

Wasn’t that a party?

Thanks to Sarah Klein for her piece on the Fourth Street fair (Back Words, Metro Times, July 17-23). I've lived on Fourth Street for 10 years this summer. It is quite a unique block. I once came home at 3 a.m. to join a spontaneous film party going on in the park across the street from my house. It was a good fair this year and I think the block will dig your article. It's something that makes life in Detroit more livable for those of us who actually live on the block as well, believe me. —Maurice Greenia, [email protected], Detroit