When it comes to the Letterman versus Leno late-night TV debate, the News Hits crew has always preferred the gap-toothed David to the prow-jawed Jay. We like Letterman's edgy approach to comedy way more than Leno's decidedly white-bread shtick. But it wasn't until Leno held up a recent edition of Metro Times on his show that we realized what a complete idiot the guy is.
Apparently one of lame-o Leno's regular routines is to generate guffaws from unintentional double entendres and typos in newspaper stories and ads. It was during one of these segments that Leno offered viewers a look at the MT cover from our June 13 issue.
That particular cover featured the art work of Carl Oxley, whose illustration depicted happy monkeys frolicking in a park, barbecuing, sunbathing, etc.
Leno noted that it appeared to be aimed at children before having the camera zoom in on a pair of primates engaged in some obvious monkey business (wink, wink) behind a bush. If Leno or anyone on his staff had bothered to look, they would have seen that the playful cover was for our annual summer guide aimed at adults, not kiddies. (You can find the bit on YouTube.)
Jay got a little chuckle from our bit of monkey business, and we appreciate the exposure, but don't be surprised if you see an upcoming issue featuring an illustration that has Leno's freakish mug attached to the body of a jackass. Hee-haw, Jay. Hee-haw.
News Hits is edited by Curt Guyette. Contact him at 313-202-8004 or [email protected]