Kwame time

Feb 27, 2008 at 12:00 am
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

I'd like to say your editorial was very informative and left me pondering quite a few things. One thing I would like to clear up is Hizzoner didn't deem himself the "HIP HOP MAYOR" — the Media gave him that moniker. I'm not sure if demanding that he steps down will cure all the ills we have in this city. Things were getting bad way before Kwame Kilpatrick; it's just that things have gotten worse. I am making no excuses for him, believe me. But can anyone name a POLITICIAN in their lifetime that hasn't LIED? Even under OATH, if so please tell me who. There is no Savior for DETROIT, I don't care who becomes Mayor. It's up to the CITIZENS of this CITY to help make it better. If we continue to complain to each other about the woes we suffer what do you think will be done? We don't demand anything from our POLITICIANS on local/state/federal levels... It's up to the PEOPLE to demand accountability. If we continue as CITIZENS to sit by idly, not participating in the political process then we get WHAT WE DESERVE on all governmental LEVELS... —SLEEPLESS & TIRED IN DETROIT


Well done Metro Times! Sam Riddle is right when he cites this mayor's arrogance. Kilpatrick is a thug who likes to use his henchmen to intimidate the media (unbelievable to me) and an arrogant punk brimming with an entitlement-to-the-throne mentality. It is exactly this arrogance that will keep him from doing the right thing... Just going. —Joe G.


I am not the hugest fan of Kwame Kilpatrick. I thought he ran the city during his first term of mayor as a child running a household for the weekend while his parents were gone. But when looking at the alternatives to Kilpatrick, I'm left wondering if we have any better choice. We do not get to choose between Kilpatrick and a Guilliani or a Newsom or Daly. We are not seeing a rush of excellent candidates vying for the job of Mayor of Detroit. Instead we were left to choose between Kilpatrick and a Hendrix, a person who left every department in the city he ran worst off than when he took charge of those departments.

In your article, "Just Go" you call for the mayor to leave but then what? We have Ken Cockrell as mayor, Monica Conyers as council president and Joann Watson as council pro tem?? I can't think of a more horrifying alternative then these three characters running our city. Meanwhile, the mayoral scandal will not go away with Kilpatrick's resignation. Council, lawyers, media and so on will still be sorting through this mess and the residents of Detroit will have to deal with a transition in administration for a just one year until the next election. Is the disruption in the city administration really worth the media getting the blood they thirst for?

I don't really see any advantage to Kilpatrick leaving office. The majority of Detroiters I know are more concerned with city services, developments, neighborhood projects than any salacious scandal that the media has been focusing on. I'd rather vote in a new mayor in another year then endure a transitioning administration for just one year, especially if it involves someone as uninspiring as Ken Cockrell. —Jordan M., Detroit


I think the Mayor should step down and let the city of Detroit rebuild its character again. He has given them unnecessary bad press. I am disappointed in him because he could have been an excellent role model for the young black males of Detroit and the United States. —Mary W.


Great article. You gave an honest description of Kwame's legacy, both pros and cons. I love the city of Detroit and it's time for new leadership. —Tom B.


Throughout this entire situation (I'm tired of the word scandal), the Metro Times has been fair and thorough in its reporting of this story. I must say that I am a bit disturbed that most of the people who weigh in on the matter are suburbanites. Detroiters are infamous for their loud, opinionated demonstrations! I know, this affects them also; that's not the point. Let's hear from the people (like my 84 yr old grandmother) whose taxes are steadily rising, yet she has been calling the city for an entire year about the three abandoned homes on her block. The entire block club called 311, the Detroit Police and the Ombudsman for a year regarding the obvious chop shop that was being run right across the street. They finally sent a squad car; the officer who came out wasn't there to investigate, he was there to collect his rent. He owned the property! Subsequent calls were never returned nor was the issue addressed any further. This is so much bigger than a little extramarital horizontal mambo. I could care less what "The Hip-Hop Mayor" bobs his head in; I do however care what happens to my city. —Kimberly P.


I am the operations manager for a company that owns buildings in both Detroit and in Southfield, and as such have had some dealings with the both cities on lower levels and the occasion to meet with city counsel as well. From my standpoint and from my experience as a supervisor at many different levels, you are correct in saying that the mayor being untruthful does not directly affect investors in the city, but what it does affect is the inability for the city to correct the actual problems of corruption and the abuse of power that exists in the city's departments. "If the mayor can abuse his power and get away with it, then why can't I?" This may not be a spoken word by any city supervisor, but it is human nature and it influences their actions. These problems are ones that actually do stop investors from wanting to invest, and those problems are virtually impossible to correct with leadership that is blatantly corrupt, self-serving and dishonest. Leadership by example is not just a catchphrase, it is a true bedrock principle that men and women in a leadership positions have to follow, or the men and women in their charge will not follow them.

The city of Detroit will not be saved by a Quicken Loan, a Casino, a Super Bowl or a Compuware. It is the mom-and-pop investor that keep a store running, a bowling alley or a car dealership in operation, that keep the city moving. These businesses are invested in, operated by, and looked over by small investors and usually residence of the area. They maintain homes, pay taxes and provide services for others to do the same. Because they are small, these are the businesses that deal directly with the city's true corruption and abuse of power and the overtaxation that it breeds. These are the business that you drive out of the city and the residents (tax base) follow them.

I agree with you about the infidelity being a private matter. That is something that he will have to explain to his god, his wife, and I'm sure her divorce attorney as well. It's the actions that he took to hide the affair that are the issue. What I do have a problem with is the fact that he seems to spend the people's money like it's his own. He is an elected official that is charged with managing taxpayers money and should be held accountable for the misuse of city funds and be forced to personally return the funds he misused, or caused to be misused. If it's a personal issue and not a city issue, then have him pay for it. He can't have it both ways. I also wanted to thank you for your article. For about the last 5 years I have felt like as was standing in the middle of the room screaming and nobody could hear me. I could not believe, in America, a mayor could act this way and then just play his three cards and walk away. The basic defense being "I'm corrupt, so what",. Since when did the truth hidden, not become a lie. I expected marches on city hall, mass refusals to pay taxes, or a class action lawsuit by now, but I will settle for your article, thank you. —Andy A.


Thank gosh someone within the city has actually been honest about the mayor. I'm so sick & tired of so many people here sticking up for him. It appears more like a race card and really, let's be honest, he needs to effing' go regardless of what cultural influences there are; no wonder why [former mayor Dennis] Archer wouldn't go for a third term. You really can't blame him with all the chaos here.

Thanks for making my day and constructing an honest argument. —Anonymous


Wow. That's all I can say after reading this article. It is very powerful: informative, well-written, well-researched and thought-provoking. With this story, you have painted an indelible picture in my mind; each sentence was a brush stroke.

This piece is the talk of the office. Job well done. —Marla B., Dearborn


I love the story on Kwame and love the fact that you stepped up and gave your opinion on the front page. He is a very disgusting human and should do the honorable thing and step down. —Bev L.


Thank you for saying what needed to said. I'd have to say your were a little too nice to Kwame. I think he has failed at far more than he has succeeded. As a Detroit resident I find him to be a huge embarrassment. As much as I think he should be punished for his crimes I would let him go without any legal battle if he'd just go now and never come back!

This is the kind of stuff that really makes the Metro Times valuable, keep up the good work! —Kirk B


Well, it's difficult to justify or defend a mayor ruled by his sex drive rather than his considerable brain. However, the city of Detroit's problems would be better served if the city voters stopped running talented people off the city council and started to elect council members for their qualifications rather than their popularity. Not only does the Mayor cause the city to look like a joke, the council is the real joke. Don't tell them, though. You might get punched in the mouth or at the least cursed out. That, they do well. —Charles


I live in the city, and have almost my entire life, and I (sadly) believe that the mayor will come out of this with a slap on the wrist, and if he chooses to, will run and probably win re-election, the people of Detroit haven’t shown the wisdom of learning from the old adage "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Here’s to the continuing foolishness. —Andy K.


Thank you for an excellent and honest article. When I listen to the mayor's denial about many things recently exposed, he talks to Detroit residents like we are just plain stupid. Kilpatrick and McPhail are pissing on us and telling us it is raining. Who should we believe — Kwame and McPhail, or our lying eyes? —Steven C.


Mayor Kilpatrick stooped to a "NEW LOW" in his TV appearance on 2/29/08. It was a complete embarrassment to the residents in the City of Detroit. I felt sick after watching his rendition of reverse psychology being played on the people. He should be barred from conning our old people; just how he gets away with it, I will never know. There are no words to describe him. He should JUST GO. —Lifelong resident Do you have a comment you want to add to this discussion? If so, send it to