If they scatter, go for the baby and Jeffrey Morgan's Media Blackout #157!
Jerry Bruckheimer — Quentin Tarantino Presents Roger Corman's Death Race 3000 (21st Century Film Corporation) :: Bruckheimer's always wanted to produce a big budget cult film in the worst way and he's finally succeeded. Half Easy Rider and half Americathon, this direct-to-download scenery-chewing sequel sees David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone back in harness as Frankenstein and Machine Gun Joe VeTurbo for one last nationwide ride to save society. One hundred points scored for casting cravat king Peter Bogdanovich as gung-ho TV announcer Junior Senior!
Noctifria — Per Aspera (MVD Audio) :: Slovenia is a leading horror hothouse of dark dank metal and if you listen to this festering thick miasma that's chock a block full of clogged virtuoso majesty, you'll know why.
Oliver Future — Pax Futura (Fireproof) :: It's not often that such an endearing pop rock album sashays down the suave glam rock pike. Even better, it includes the hyper-kinetic "What Heart?" from their earlier Bear Chronicles V.2 extended player.
The Sonic Deli — Brown Bag Lunch (Sonic Deli) :: Shamefully, I just found this 18 track sampler of varied musical styles by 13 diverse artists at the back of my iFridge — way past its 2005 due date — but amazingly, it still sounds as fresh as the day it was served. My compliments to the chef!
Monster Island — Dream Tiger (MVD Audio) :: Take one part ethereal female cooing, add one part Kevin Ayers brooding, stir in two parts sparse tinkering oriental melodies, and garnish with a Weird Tales pulp aesthetic. Serve immediately.
Homo Iratus — Human Consumes Human (Arctic) :: Gurgling vocal Nine Inch Nonsense from a band whose translated name means: "Homo Irritates Us."
SIZZLING PLATTER OF THE WEEK: Destroy All Monsters — Live in Tokyo & Osaka 1996 (MVD Audio) :: The restless ghosts of Dave Thomas and Pere Ubu haunt this abusive atonal delight that combines Stockhausenian bloopy blorp short wave radio static with Electroluxian plugged hose whining. It's got no beat, you can't dance to it. I give it a yen.
You never spike a person!