Jeffrey Morgan’s Media Blackout

Mar 7, 2007 at 12:00 am
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Well it’s MB109, okay?

The StoogesThe Weirdness (Virgin) :: Whaddya mean there’s no "1971"?

Al GoreAn Inconvenient Truth (Paramount) :: And you thought science fiction films never won Oscars.

Tara SloneJust Look Pretty and Sing (Orange) :: Her excruciating cover of "Suffragette City" makes Dana Gillespie sound like Diamanda Galás. Wham, bam, shut up, ma’am.

Iggy & The Stooges"Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell" (Columbia) :: File under: Tara Slone.

Paul MichaelQuiet State of Panic (Stunning Models On Display) :: The cello is the saddest instrument in the world, just ask Johann Sebastian Bach. The electric guitar is the most powerful instrument in the world, just ask James Patrick Page. This album is the saddest most powerful album in the world, just ask me.

Lou ReedBerlin (RCA) :: Then again, what do I know?

Clemente…whilst honey hums (Moodswing) :: These straight shooters provide quality narrative songwriting that’s trustworthy and sincere in way that those two peacenik bagmen Dylan and Springsteen never were.

Ill ScarlettEPidemic (self released) Steinski stadium scratch rock.

Savoy BrownSteel (Panache) :: I reckon there ain’t nuthin’ wrong with this here record that a varispeed unit and new lyricist couldn’t fix.

The TwistersAfter the Storm (Northern Blues) :: Most blues lyrics by their very nature are inherently stupid, but these words are so retarded they make Savoy Brown’s lyrics look as if they were written by Carl Sandburg.

The VelmasStation (City Canyon) :: The pure pop melodies of The Beatles. The putrid power maladies of Nine Inch Nails. The beast of both worlds.

ZozobraHarmonic Tremors (Hydra Head) :: You say harmonic. I say moronic. They jacked the whole thing off.

SIZZLING PLATTER OF THE WEEK: Casket SalesmenSleeping Giants (Longhair Illuminati) :: Digland’s newest crypt makers have crafted an intelligent art rock album that’s overly ambitious and altogether extraordinary in an electro-ambient-Split Enz-meets-Tangerine Dream-slash-high-spirited-Jon Anderson-meets-Don and Philharmonic-Everly-slash-early-irate-Alice-Cooper-Group-meets-no one kinda way.