After struggling with kidney problems for a number of years, Michigan's Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian passed away earlier today at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. Aged 83, Kevorkian has always been a polarizing figure and in the past 20 years the on-and-off subject of national attention. The University of Michigan graduate pathologist was ever a champion of the "right to die" philosophy, garnering both adamant support and fierce opposition for his role in the assisted suicide of some 130 people.
Metro Times columnist Jack Lessenberry knows Kevorkian as well as, arguably better than anyone in the media, and has written numerous pieces since the 1990s highlighting the trials (literally) and tribulations of the doctor, the activist, the convict and the death specialist.
Lessenberry's Politics and Prejudices column for next week's MT will reflect on Kevorkian's passing. In the meantime, here are his past columns grappling with Dr. K and the complicated issues he's raised.
2010 — Knowing Jack
2009 - I did know Jack
2008 - Dr. K's bad idea
2007 - Dr. K & other suicides
2006 - Dr. Death gets out of prison
2006 - The Supremes & assisted suicide
2002 - Kevorkian’s issue is still alive
2001 - Ashcroft vs. Constitution
1999 - Slippery slopes and other horrors
1998 - Time for our grim reaper