Last week, Metro Times' Higher Ground columnist Larry Gabriel made the case for supporting MILegalize's marijuana legalization initiative petition, which is expected to wrap up in a few weeks in December.
In a political landscape that has seen competing petitions by MILegalize and a group called the Michigan Cannabis Coalition, Gabriel wrote MILegalize "is clearly the one you should support and the law you should vote for when the time comes." Gabriel compared the efforts of the MCC to Ohio's recent big-money backed Issue 3 failure, which even cannabis advocates opposed. MILegalize, on the other hand, is a grassroots effort: "It has grown from the bottom up rather than jumping on board once the hardest work is done as the MCC investors have done," Gabriel wrote.
You can read the full initiative here, or find the nearest location where you can sign the petition using MILegalize's map below: