The Detroit Board of Police Commissioners is sponsoring a poetry contest designed to let college-bound high school seniors express their vision for the Police Department’s relationship with the youth of this city.
“Super Care Packages” containing supplies designed to assist students during their first year of college and valued at $500 will be awarded to three poets. The theme is the “ideal Relationship between the Detroit Police Department and Generation Y.” Deadline for submissions is May 1. More information can be obtained by phoning 313-596-2493.
Now, admittedly, we here at News Hits are several letters removed from Gen Y, but the press release announcing this contest stirred our inner Longfellow, and inspired us to produce a few rhymes of our own:
Welcome to the D.
Jerry O got the razz/when he first hit Motown/ The papers said he got a jazz/ Pushing his ex-wife around/ But domestic problems aside/ Oli can say with some pride/ That police shootings of civilians in this town/ are now way down.
Ode to Ashcroft
There once was a chief named Oliver/ Whose department had malcontents all over/ But Jerry didn’t care/ Warned the troops to beware/ And the Justice Department still hovers there.
And, finally, a haiku:
Brass balls
At war with Jerry
Street beat double entendre
Irate cops scare us. Send comments to [email protected]