Feedback: Reader Responses

May 25, 2016 at 1:00 am
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Our blog post about the expansion of a Thai restaurant in downtown's Capitol Park earned an interesting reaction taking issue with our coverage. Dennis Hampton posted:

Keeping it real! This is the Internet. This is where everyone reads your stories. You need to show more stories about people in the neighborhoods. This constant Midtown and downtown success story brings animosity. We're hoping for Detroit's return for all, but these stories are pushing it to '67 again. Just telling you the truth! Detroit love for all!

Ann Sawyer commented on Allie Gross' blog post about how lawmakers deciding the future of Detroit schools accepted thousands from the pro-charter DeVos family:

And, once again, kids whose futures almost entirely rest on a decent education have it ripped off by people who are personally unaffected. Shame.

Our slideshow about 22 better breakfast spots in metro Detroit was sent back to the kitchen by two readers. Kevin Moore commented:

Nice selection, but you guys totally missed the mark by forgetting that Macomb County does exist. There's a multitude of small, family-owned eateries in Macomb County that quietly produce some of the best breakfasts ever. Get over your fear. Discover the east side.

And Sami Salameh commented:

Thought the list would have been a little more diverse than places that serve eggs and pancakes. A lot of great ethnic places to get breakfast from in metro Detroit, and tons of great Arabic bakeries in Dearborn.

Our blog post about the Active Times piece, "Don't visit Detroit alone!" got this response from Angelo Tsaousis:

I am a native Detroiter and returned for the first time since 1980 last August. I absolutely loved the city! Everyone I met was very nice no matter where I was. There was a feeling of renaissance and pride in the city so strong it was almost electric. I even walked down Monroe Street at 1:30 in the morning for a gyro, and I would not have done that in Fort Lauderdale or Miami. Since my return, I have actually considered returning to Detroit from South Florida. Whatever is going on in Detroit is working, and I can say the city and here people are among the very best. I have nothing but good things to say about my hometown, and I have no idea where some people in the press get the crazy idea Detroit is a warzone. Fantastic job Detroit! I wish I was there now!

But no story got as many strong reactions as our feature about the history of the square pizza. Semnol commented:

Cloverleaf and Loui's are almost identical to Buddy's. Shield's is similar, not quite up to par with Buddy's. Buddy's also makes a great antipasto. They don't skimp on the salami — maybe a little more ham in the mix wouldn't hurt.

And drbpor posted:

The pizza should taste the same. Can't speak to the operational shortcomings. Loui's tastes exactly like Buddy's. It's an old-school joint like Buddy's, too.

Paul posted:

I asked a guy who was the GM of Buddy's why the pizza tastes different at their satellite restaurants. His answer: the pans. The article mentions they are seasoned. There is something to that. Man, I love that pizza!

Susan Fitzmaurice posted:

I grew up being told that my mother's best friend created the original recipe for Buddy's Pizza at Buddy's Rendezvous. She always insisted it was her idea and recipe, though she was never given credit for it. She taught me to make pizza and it is amazing.