Feedback (Oct. 5-11)

Oct 5, 2016 at 1:00 am
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Audio By Carbonatix

Jack Roskopp's blog post, "RIP man bun — you can now decorate your beard with jewelry," got a number of comments from readers who felt we were "punching down." Zachary James Woolley commented:

Another trend that doesn't affect anyone but the person sporting it. But it's still socially acceptable to shit on because it's different. Bullying is always cool as long as the majority of people do it, am I right?

And Dan DeSloover commented:

Yeah, gender-shaming! Please let all the dudes be dudes. It's like you have nothing better to do.

Serena Daniels' piece, "Chains: First Calexico, now Bakersfield Cal Mex-inspired eatery making its way to Detroit," earned a few comments who felt we were unfair being critical of chains. Kerri Kalfaian commented:

Snobby hipsters complaining about positive things coming to the city again. Sorry Bakersfield isn't "against the grain" enough for you, Metro Times. More businesses equal more money for the city, which is good for everybody. Stop being so critical. The place isn't even open yet!

And Viktor Vaseli commented:

Why no thank you? Here are restaurants wanting to invest in Detroit and you say no because why? Metro Times strikes again with their idiocracy.

Michael Jackman's piece, "Detroit News endorses Libertarian for president," got some comments: Joey Detroit posted:

This endorsement may mean that Nolan Finley is "getting religion." After all, without Finley's support, we may actually elect a good government instead of Michigan's GOP-led government for profit.

Finley shares the blame for every shuttered or sold DPS school, for Detroit's bankruptcy, for Flint's leaded water, for not being an advocate of the underprivileged of Detroit (or Michigan).

You'll have to do a lot better than that to escape hell, Nolan. Too little, too late.

In response to Allie Gross' piece, "Bill Schuette issues major ruling on Detroit schools, doesn't mention the thousands he's accepted from pro-charter DeVos family," TJ posted:

It would be more surprising to learn that Schuette was not in the DeVos family's pocket. They have bought the seats they need to pass legislation that gives public schools a slow death while exempting charters from the same rules and accountability standards. Yes, it is a way to provide parochial education with public money. What is more odious is that they have allowed public dollars to flow largely unrestricted to for-profit education providers who offer little quality compared to conventional community schools. With the redistricting that has been implemented since the last census by the Republicans who have been in control of the legislature, it will be very difficult to reverse these actions. We need to wake up as an electorate and stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

Larry Gabriel's piece, "Like them or not, new laws provide framework for dispensaries, extracts," got some comments too, including one from nobsartist, who told us what he really felt when he posted:

Just another example of how the assholes in Lansing could give a shit about what the voters want. These fucksticks couldn't run a lemonade stand. We need a citizen oversight group that approves every law that the dumb fucks in Lansing come up with before we citizens have to obey them.

And disqus_KeMsCyMCgm posted:

These new laws appear to be written for the benefit of businesses that buy and sell marijuana, not common Joe Blow.

Still, the issue of topicals and edibles has been addressed. Finally, the use of resin has been addressed.

Now, if only I could find my copy of Chocolate's Infusions: Medical Edibles and More cookbook!