It's so hard to keep up on the deluge of news coming out of the White House that a quick reflection is in order: There was Trump's attempted ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries, the protracted effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, the plan to bar transgender people from serving in the military, the excuses for white supremacists, the nuclear brinkmanship with North Korea.
And of course, those are just the greatest hits — the short list overlooks the B-sides that make a compelling case that the most powerful man in the world is a narcissist with dementia. Last week, Trump got in a Twitter feud with LaVar Ball; this weekend, word came that Trump had claimed the "grab-'em-by-the-pussy" Access Hollywood tape was fake.
Through it all, Americans have found various ways to cope, from tuning Trump out to embroiling themselves in their own social media battles — with friends, family members, and even complete strangers. In Detroit, meanwhile, a select few have channeled their rage a little more creatively, spewing vitriol through a can — or fire hydrant — full of spray paint.
Below, you'll find a handful of "Fuck Trump" pieces that appeared in Detroit in 2017. The buff man is quick to cover up graffiti these days, so you may only get to enjoy the art in photograph form. If you happen to stumble upon a "Fuck Trump" in the wild, please consider snapping a pic and sending it to us before it's gone.