Billed as "the nation’s largest feed the homeless event,"
Red Carpet BackYard BBQ turns four this year and has a whole heck of a lot planned, including celebrity appearances by Detroit Lions players.
On Saturday, Oct. 3 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the West Riverfront Park, folks can expect meet and greets with the Lions' Brandon Pettigrew, Tim Wright, Eric Ebron and Casey Pierce, among others, all of whom will be on hand throughout the day to serve food, take photos, and give autographs. Other notable names who are slated to appear include American Idol finalist Malaya Watson and America's Got Talent finalist Selected of God.
What's more, the organization hopes to double the number of families fed at the event and provide additional resources and support for those in need.
"Last year over 5,000 individuals were fed. This year’s goal is to feed 10,000. Taking place at the newly renovated Detroit’s West Riverfront Park, this one day extravaganza aims to honor and uplift those who struggle daily with poverty," a press release said. "This special day will provide participants with free hot cooked meals, grocery giveaways, health screenings, live entertainment, access to human service agencies and yes, a walk down the red carpet."
The event is free and open to all. Folks interested in volunteering
can sign up here.