Art palaver

Oct 31, 2001 at 12:00 am
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Had some art lately? Awesome.

But looking is just step No. 1. There’s also schmoozing, bad-mouthing or oohing-and-ahhing at openings, even buying that special work that speaks volumes of meaning wordlessly and needs to be where you can see it every day. It’s the last part, the meaning, that’s on the agenda whenever passionate gazers of all stripes get together for some art talk. And this Sunday, Nov. 4, you’ve got your choice of two discussions, one relatively short and the other an all-afternoon affair, each connected to a show in Detroit’s Cultural Center:

Discussing his Midi Series: “Chasing the Sun,” the new show at G.R. N’Namdi Gallery, will be renowned abstract expressionist Ed Clark. Doors to this recently relocated art venue (at 66 E. Forest, just east of Woodward Avenue, Detroit — 313-831-8700) open at noon and the lecture starts at 2:30 p.m. And don’t miss the opening reception on Friday, Nov. 2, 6-9 p.m.

If a lengthier exchange is what you crave, then “Fervor and Ferment: Art of the ’60s and ’70s” in the Lecture Hall of the Detroit Institute of Arts (5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit — 313-577-2423) should fill the bill. This 12:30-4 p.m. symposium in conjunction with the exhibition Up from the Streets: Detroit Art from the Duffy Warehouse Collection (on display at the Elaine L. Jacob Gallery and the Community Arts Gallery, Wayne State University) includes four different presentations:

“Graphic Design to Painting and Back Again: Some British and American Cases from around 1960” by Thomas Crow, director of L.A.’s Getty Research Institute.

“Hockney, Warhol and the Secret of Physique Photography” by Richard Meyer assistant professor of art history, USC.

“Pop Art: Outside Manhattan/Inside L.A.” by Cécile Whiting, professor of American art, UCLA.

“Detroit and Contemporary Art in the 1970s: An Analysis and Appreciation” by John Hallmark Neff, executive director of Reynolda House, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Free with museum admission. Reception follows at Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, 480 W. Hancock, Detroit.

The Hot & the Bothered is edited by MT arts editor George Tysh. E-mail him at [email protected].