Ann Coulter goes on Twitter tirade over disabled Detroit immigrant facing deportation

Sep 10, 2018 at 4:49 pm
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Why won't you just go down?

Snakey-shit-that-just-won't-flush Ann Coulter is at it again with the internet bullying. No, this time her target du jour is not the Jewish diaspora (Happy Rosh Hashanah, y'all) or women who dare exit the kitchen to protect the public. Rather, it's a disabled Nigerian man who's lived in Detroit for decades and is suddenly facing deportation.

Many people who read Francis Anwana's story may have been saddened, even pained, to learn that the deaf man with cognitive disabilities who emigrated to the U.S. at 14 may be forced to leave at 48. His native Nigeria has few resources for people in his condition, and his elderly mother cannot afford to take care of him, immigrant advocates tell the Free Press. One reportedly described his deportation as a virtual "death sentence."

Anwana had been staying in the U.S. legally on a visa until a few years ago when the Free Press reports it was not renewed because he'd been moved between group homes and caretakers had lost track of his case.

While some may have responded with disappointment over the U.S. government's decision to deport him — a move the Freep says "stunned" longtime immigration advocates because it fails to take into account his disability and length of stay in the U.S. — Coulter had another gripe.

"We're getting the world's most expensive problems," she said in a multi-tweet capslock-laced rant. "'Very loving family but they understood they would not be able to provide him a life in Nigeria ... as a handicapped person.' THAT'S WHERE YOU COME IN, U.S. TAXPAYER!"

In a tweet that noted Anwana's limited reading skills, she wrote "GOOD JOB, U.S. IMMIGRATION!"

Someone should remind Coulter that this country was not built on turning away people in need (“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore," the quote on the Statue of Liberty reads) and that empathy is a spiritual virtue.

After all, Coulter is the conspiracy theorist and possible white nationalist who once famously said: "I'm a Christian first and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it."

Hoping to see some of that God talk any day now, Ann.

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