An incomplete glossary of trans terms

Trans Terminology

Oct 12, 2016 at 1:00 am
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A-gen-der, adj. n. 1. A person who does not identify as having any gender at all; exists outside the gender spectrum. 2. May consider themselves non-binary. See also -non-binary

Cis, adj: 1. A person who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth. Ex: Arnold Schwarzenegger was assigned male at birth and still considers himself male. -Cis-gen-der.

Dead-name, n. 1. The name a transperson (/non-binary/genderqueer) was assigned at birth, if they choose to no longer use it. A deadname is often a huge trigger for the individual. Ex: Christopher's sister accidentally deadnamed him. She felt awful and apologized. See also, -trans, -non-binary, -genderqueer

Gen-der bi-na-ry, n. 1. The idea that there are only two genders, 100 percent male and 100 percent female, and that there is no fluidity or wiggle room to exist within or outside of this idea.

Gen-der-flu-id, adj. 1. Fairly synonymous with non-binary. 2. Someone who flows between male, female, and in-between identifiers. Ex: Some days she goes by the name Jennifer, and sometimes he goes by the name Jackson. See also -non-binary, -genderqueer

Gen-der-queer, adj. 1. Fairly synonymous with non-binary. 2. Sometimes a genderqueer person will consider themselves trans. See also -non-binary, -genderfluid.

Gen-der Spec-trum, n. 1. The idea that there is a range of gender identities; a linear model, ranging from 100 percent man to 100 percent woman, with various states of androgyny in between.

In-ter-sex, n. 1. a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. Often the parents of intersex children will "choose" a gender for their child and force them to grow up conforming to that gender. Ex: Sam was born with what doctors determined was overlarge clitoris, so his parents surgically reconstructed his genitals as a baby and raised him as a woman. Ex: Miranda was born with Swyer Syndrome, a condition that prevents the body from producing sex hormones, but was raised female based on their outward genitals. However, they identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns.

Non-bi-na-ry, adj. n. 1. A person who does not fit in the gender binary. 2. Not identifying as either male or female. Usage. A trans person might also consider them non-binary in the sense that they are not female, but are not 100 percent male either. Often does not enjoy using he/she pronouns. Sometimes a non-binary person will consider themselves trans. Ex: Cory? Yeah, they are a pretty cool person! See also -gender spectrum

Trans, adj. n. 1. Going through a gender-related transition. Not necessarily 100% from one to the other. -Trans-gen-der See also gender spectrum.

Trans-fem-i-nine, adj. 1. A person who identifies more on the feminine side of the gender spectrum. See also -trans, -transwoman.

Trans-gen-der, adj. n. 1. A person whose gender does not match what they were assigned at birth. Ex: Laverne Cox was assigned male at birth, but she is definitely a woman.

Trans-man, n., pl -men. 1. A man who was assigned female at birth based solely on genitalia. See also -man.

Trans-mas-cul-ine, adj. 1. A person who identifies more on the masculine side of the gender spectrum. See also -trans, -transman.

Trans-per-son, n. 1. A person who identifies as trans in some way, shape, or form. May be used in lieu of -woman or -man if the individual identifies as non-binary. See also -trans, -non-binary, -gender spectrum.

Trans-wo-man, n., pl -women. 1. A woman who was assigned male at birth based solely on genitalia. See also -woman.