You can stream Stef Chura's debut album before it comes out tomorrow

Jan 26, 2017 at 1:48 pm
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

click to enlarge Stef Chura - Photo by Arvida Byström
Photo by Arvida Byström
Stef Chura

We may or may not be obsessed with Stef Chura (okay yeah, we totally are) and we're really stoked that her debut album Messes comes out tomorrow.

Stef did a really cool interview with Noisey where they are exclusively streaming the new record. The new songs sound so great, and the interview is pretty awesome, too. Chura even gives a little nod to the "Creepy Cheapy" show that takes place at the Crofoot every Halloween.

To learn a little bit more about Stef Chura, check out why we think she will be one of the 15 Detroit artists to look out for this year.

Stef Chura's next show in Detroit will be her record release show at Marble Bar on February 4. We will see you there!