What a great day for America and the future of this country. Wooo-hoooo!!! For the first time ever, every candidate and every proposal I voted for actually won! We even voted out that Supreme Court dude who made it so folks in Michigan can't sue the pharmaceutical companies (even if they have flipper babies) or so women can't sue their employers if they get raped at work (nonpartisan, my ass!). I feel like whooping, crying and dancing a jig all at the same time. I won't, though. Instead, I'll just alert you to an event happening tonight-- especially because I promised I would (and I believe we're entering an era of kept promises) -- that my friend Brita titled "Post Election ROCK OUT with the Stooges and MC5" on Facebook. No, members of neither of those bands will be at the event, which takes place at Cary Loren's Bookbeat store (go to thebookbeat.com or call 248-968-1190 for directions and more info). But MT contributor Brett Callwood and John Sinclair, who requires no introduction, will both be in the house for readings and discussion. Brett will also be signing copies of his two recent books, The Stooges: A Journey Throught The Michigan Underworld and Sonically Speaking: The MC5: A Tale of Revolution and Rock 'N' Roll. The event starts at 7 p.m. I'm betting there won't be a former McCain-Palin supporter anywhere in the area (and no one's going to cop to it at this point in time anyway). So I repeat: Woooo fucking hoooo!!!
And just in case any neocons happen to stop by here, I wanted to reinforce that all systems are go: Comrade Obama is now Chairman Barack and the goals of our Communist Party have been fulfilled. The U.S. will henceforth be a Socialist nation. Gays will come for your children, force them into same sex marriages and make them smoke "medicinal" marijuana. Every woman will be forced to have abortions so there will be enough embryos for stem cell research. The rich will have all their money taken from them in the form of taxes so that money can then be given to shiftless lazy trash who don't want to work. In the words of George Dubya: Mission accomplished. (Hey, I'm just employing the same tactics the GOP has been using for the past eight years...) Again, what a glorious day!