In case you didn't make it down to the Concert of Colors this weekend, here are some rare (because the officials were extremely strict about the use of cameras at the event) photos from Don Was's Super Session show Sunday night, courtesy of our friend, Ms. Rebecca Cook, the CoC's official photographer. Thanks, Rebecca!
John Sinclair, Detroit's countercultural poet laureate, with Was and Jeff Grand.
Charlie "Charlie Hawk" Hawkins and VC L "The Mighty V!" Veasey of Black Merda.
Loretta Lucas, one-half of the Sisters Lucas.
Rachel Nagy of the Detroit Cobras.
Mitch Ryder belts out Jimmy Ruffin's Motown classic, "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted?"
The entire legendary crew onstage for a finale...
And finally...
Mr. Was embracing one of the Sudan Musicians for Peace troupe members.
Thanks to Doug Coombe and Michael Jackman for aiding the technically inept...!