Odd Future-affiliated rapper Earl Sweatshirt performed at St Andrews last week. Frequent MT contributor Kahn Santori Davison sent in the following review last week , but I totally spaced on getting it up in time, sorry about that!
Earl Sweatshirt brought his lyrical prowess to Detroit’s legendary St. Andrews Hall [on April 1]. The packed house was amped up for a rapper who is more known for being a laid-back rhyme slinger than some mosh pit messiah. But nevertheless, slam dancing, crowd surfing, and moshing were all in play as Earl performed most of the tracks off his recent release I Don’t Like Shit; I Don’t Go Outside: An Album By Earl Sweatshirt. He’s not the kind that jumps all over the stage. But he doesn’t stand in one spot all night either.
Before Earl hit the mic, the Bruiser Brigade’s King Jooky preformed an impressive high octane set, followed by the entertaining Kush Gang. New York-based Remy Banks kept the energy going with a 30-minute set and Vince Staples ended his 40 minute set by performing “Wol” and “DNA” with Earl.
The Detroit experience was in full effect as a couple emcees harassed patrons to buy their CDs as they stood in line to get into the show (even freestyling for those who requested it). Several other patrons were put out throughout the night for smoking weed, while comments like, “Emcees like Earl never come to the Detroit area,” were repeated often.