We are missing live music more than we thought was possible, but some musicians are continuing to do livestreamed performances to keep us entertained during quarantine.
Singer-songwriter Brendan Benson (also of the Raconteurs, his band with Jack White, and whose solo career started in Detroit) is celebrating the release of his new record Dear Life with a livestream performance. Backed by a band featuring members of Neon Castles, the Shins, and Eagles of Death Metal, Benson will perform Dear Life in its entirety for the first time ever.
The show takes place at Nashville's The 5 Spot, but will be livestreamed at 4:20 CT (5:20 p.m. EST) on Saturday, Nov. 14.
Leyland “Lee” DeVito is the editor in chief of Detroit Metro Times since 2016. His writing has also been published in CREEM, VICE, In These Times, and New City. He once asked porn star Stormy Daniels to spank him with an issue of Metro Times. She obliged.