In Case You Missed It: Sleaford Mods' full Glastonberry set

Jun 29, 2015 at 10:16 am
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Audio By Carbonatix

It's hard to think of a hip, buzzy, trendy British music act in the last few years worthy of as much instant adulation as Sleaford Mods. In fact, they deserve more.

Sleaford Mods are two middle-aged mental cases with awesome record collections. Their live performances are riveting, despite the fact that the one who looks like a junkie thief just stands there and drinks tall boys, while the one who looks like an alcoholic used sporting goods salesman arrested for not paying child support just speak-sings with a British accent so heavy he might as well be a former roadie for CRASS. Sometimes you have to rewind a few times to understand what he's saying. They're so good, though, seriously. Sleaford Mods performed at the large British festival this weekend for the first time— in the John Peel tent, which makes perfect sense, as Peelie would likely have loved this band. It's by no means the best live show we've seen by them on YouTube, but they've definitely shown they can make the transition to festival sized stages pretty well.

Warning: There are a lot of naughty cursing words here so you might want to put your headphones on if you're at work.

 If only this is what slam poetry was like.