Head cheese

Oct 10, 2007 at 12:00 am
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Erik Adams and Annie Moss wrote about the local music scene on their Just Haircuts and Jackets (justhaircutsandjackets.blogspot.com) Web site for more than a year. As a fitting eulogy to the now defunct blog, these experts on mitten state music gave us their top five Michigan songs:

5. "Boys and Children Sing for Summer" — Those Transatlantics

EA: Had this song existed in the '80s, it could have scored the climactic scene to a barely-watchable teen movie, when the shy heroine performs at the high school talent show. No one's surprised by the cutesy opening ... but then the curtains fall to reveal a bad-ass backing band, as our heroine displays her true rocker self during Mike Spence's fret-burning solo

4. "Threadlines"— Matt Jones

AM: Even amongst the intriguing rhythm, intricate lyrics and Matt Jones' penetrating solo voice, the vocal harmony in the chorus tears me apart. I could sing along to this song for hours

3. "Hearts and Flowers" — The Pop Project

AM: Zach Curd's earnest, flattering and slightly awkward description of romantic admiration rings truer than any love song I've ever heard.

2. "The Last Parade on Ann St." — Chris Bathgate

EA: We've argued so much about which interpretation of "The Last Parade" sounds best, but it doesn't matter. This is just a great effing song

1. "Isabella County, 1992"

AM: This song really captures the duality of the melancholy and warmth of Michigan winters: The seemingly-barren season can surprise us with nights at a bar with dear companions and beautiful, beautiful snow.

EA: I'm grateful Jamie Monger captured one of those nights.

Thanks to Leah Warshaw.

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