Head Cheese

May 17, 2006 at 12:00 am
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

To celebrate Magic Bag's 10th Anniversary, owner Jeremy Haberman offered us a few of his most "cherished" moments:

5. Nov. 27, 2000: A fan snapped a shot of Warren Zevon, which sent him into a set-ending tirade. Another reached onto the stage to grab a set list and Warren kindly stepped on his hand. He refused to sign any autographs. We ended up banning him for being the worst human being we've had to deal with.

4. Nov. 16, 1996: Gil Scott-Heron missed his flight from NYC. He was supposed to get on the next flight. Gil missed that flight too, and never informed anyone. How psyched do you think the crowd of 300 was?

3. Aug. 8, 2001: On a club date on Living Colour's reunion tour, our brand-new air conditioning system broke. If you stuck your hand into the main room from the lobby, it would come out soaking wet. Not one person in the sold-out crowd left early.

2. June 5, 1997: During the final game of the Stanley Cup — with 300 drunken fans cheering and three minutes until the Wings would hoist the Cup high — heavy wind and rain knocked out the satellite feed!

1. July 3, 1998: Buddy Miles' backing band showed up late, piss-drunk, promising that Buddy was right behind them. He wasn't. He pulled up at 1 a.m. Waddling to the stage in a stupor, he played guitar and rambled about Tupac until 2. The next day, Buddy called and left a 15-minute rambling, angry message. He made claims of being bigger than, and preceding, all of the Motown stars. God bless you, Buddy.


The Magic Bag (22920 Woodward Ave., Ferndale; 248-544-3030) 10-year anniversary is Friday, May 19, with the Fags, Sights and Shipwreck Union.

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