Friggin’ in the Riggin’ with the Von Bondies

May 15, 2007 at 2:47 pm
Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Marcie jumps, ship sinking faster.

Remember the days when the Von Bondies were this wonderful, multi-gendered song machine whose future was laid out like a week of perfect days that stretched across the Atlantic? Yeah, me neither. Anyway, Marcie Bolen — the lovely, fire-haired guitarist who our UK writer once accurately (and fondly) described as a white-trash Marlene Dietrich — recently walked out on her gig as first mate in the VBs. Seems not all was peachy with VB’s captain Jason Stollsteimer. Oh, tra la la.


The Von Bondies are still afloat? We figured that leaky vessel sank months ago. But — and never underestimate Stollsteimer’s penchant for, um, discord — conflict in the VBs camp hits like a fisted rat-a-tat skull-bashing.

So who’s still standing on the Von Bondies’ deck? Who cares?

For creepy stalker-dude shits ’n’ giggles, enjoy Bolen’s grammatically soothing post that we lifted from her MySpace page detailing her VBs torpedo:

I hear that Jason is going around telling people horrible things about why I quit the band. I could go into why I quit the band it but it's a long trying story. But here is what should be cleared up.

No I didn't hate Carrie Don nor Yasmine nor do they hate me, I talk to Don and Yasmine on a regular basis and I saw Carrie in LA. We all feel the same way.

Yes I did play all my parts in the band and on the recordings

I did not laugh at Jason when he got punched by Jack I actually helped Jason with his delema. I'm hurt he would tell some of you guys this cause I went through alot for Jason when that happened to him. I had to make decisions that I didn't want to for him that messed up relationships in my life that are irreparable just for his benifit.

I always kept up my end and worked very hard for the band even when times got so tough it seemed unbearable.

I helped promote the band for 8 years and loved touring and playing live. I'll miss rocking out with those guys.

I am very sad that I had to leave but I’m looking forward to playing with my new bands.

So please don’t believe Jasons lies he may tell you I've heard everything in the book from alot of my friends and people I’ve met recently.