Dweles about to become the latest poster child for stream-of-consciousness black soul.
Some Kinda... diverges from the soul singers debut, Subject. Where the first was an eclectic flex, this is a one-mood party that goes from soul to soul and back. You may want more of a rollercoaster ride emotionally, but dont get mad. The mood here is good. Good love. Good food. Good sex.
Tracks like Holla and Flapjacks reveal the devil on Dweles shoulder. On the former, he disguises mockery in Buddha Lounge-like grooves; If yall be feelin this, ladies say yay-e-yay, before adding, if yall be feelin this, chickens say yay-e-yay-bcah! The latter cut begins with an interlude that finds him getting caught in the midst of a 6 a.m. phone serenade to a lady, when his woman pops in from the kitchen to tell him his pancakes are ready.
While Dwele stays in a midtempo soulful pocket, guests add the few changes. Slum Villages obligatory Barak hip-hop family colors Keep On without forcing themselves on the project. Boney James brings a soft saxophone on the very jazzy Wake the Baby, which is anchored by a brushed snare drum. Clean your house or start a family to this one. Either way, you cant lose.
Khary Kimani Turner writes about music for Metro Times. E-mail [email protected].