Two days ago, Twitter granted us a gift when the Detroit native, Danny Brown released the title of his new album:
Three days prior to releasing the album title inspired by the Joy Division song and J.G. Ballard novel, Brown gave the world a little taste of the what the new album will entail releasing the single 'When It Rains' on his official VEVO channel.
Featuring camera shots of the streets of Detroit, dancers sporting Detroit teams like the Pistons and Red Wings, and the boxing arm of Joe Louis, Brown is an ever present reminder that no matter where he goes, he'll never forget where he came from.
And if the album title and single weren't enough, Brown released his future tour dates. The tour and album are scheduled to take off around the same time in the fall, and the anticipation for everything to drop is unreal.
To celebrate all of the news Danny Brown has hit us with this past week, here's a little throw back that name drops the infamous made-in-Detroit band, The White Stripes, keeping it real, keeping it Detroit: