Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Update: Stereogum, Yo Gabba Gabba!, Taco Bell & CMJ!

Oct 7, 2010 at 1:18 pm
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Hello, Trav here.

So, I'm working on something sort of epic. It's about this band, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr., the Detroit-based duo who, earlier this summer, took independent radio and the blogosphere by storm. My "on the road with the band Almost Famous-style" story will arrive -- in tactile, ink-laden pages -- on stands sometime in the coming weeks.

Until the feature piece on their early, web-fueled rise and capture of the West Coast  has properly fermented as something pungent for your eyes to consume, I want to satiate your thirst for DEJJ with a couple quick shots.

First, the band, whose sound is ageless and without clear genre, plays two shows tomorrow with Yo Gabba Gabba! at the Fox Theatre.

This is all kinds of fun.

Yo Gabba Gabba is a hugely-popular-across-the-globe kid's TV show created by Christian Jacobs, frontman of funtime synth 'n' punk pop group the Aquabats.

The trend-setting online music mag Sterogum, just weeks ago named DEJJ among their top 40 bands of 2010. Check that out. And just yesterday, they blogged on Taco Bell's "Feed the Beat" promotion, which basically hands $500 worth of food to 100 bands to help cover the cost of shitty road food. In my opinion, on the road, Carl's Jr. and any randomly placed taco truck is a better bet  (I especially enjoyed the fare of a truck right off the exit in Weed, Ca.). But, shit, free is free. Among the winners were Passion Pit, Portugal. The Man, Best Coast, Wavves, and, yes, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr, who will play a Stereogum showcase at CMJ in New York later this month. They're playing a ton of shows out there, actually, including one with Francis & the Lights and fucking Nada Surf. I also heard they might be playing a show with Wu-Tang o.g. and one of the greatest rappers ever, Ghostface Killah.

Let's get weird.