At Kelly’s Bar, I caught the tail-end of rock power trio Royale's set. The Cream, Cactus and Grand Funk Railroad-nodding sounded much better than many of the other stoner bands around town mining the same influences. And instead of focusing on a blinding array of guitar wizardry, Guitarist and vocalist Carl Douglas Greene locked in on concise and catchy licks, which requires a better ear and helping of taste. He also had voice like a martian Neil Young/Geddy Lee. It worked, though.
After Royale came Telecollison. The moody shoegaze five-piece featured three guitarists, all with a spaceship cockpit’s worth of blinking pedals and gadgets. During the set-up the bassist and drummer (who didn’t look a day over 16 and was amazing) warmed up with opening figure to the Herbie Hancock’s “Chameleon”. For the set the band worked a soft/loud post-rock angle that would begin with cooing vocals or a quiet, reverberating guitar line and explode into massive, engulfing waves of sounds. Definitely my pick for best band of the night.
Took off to the Belmont. After realizing I couldn’t find it after a half hour (I find out later that I passed it about fourteen times -- That's right. Lived in Detroit for the 21 years I've been alive and still can't find my way to a place that's right on Joseph Campau!), I head back to the G of C to catch the Sights’ set, my first live experience with them. Caught the High Strung in the middle of their finale, with, although lasting all of two minutes, sounded beautiful. The G of C Lounge was, as expected, jammed. With the mass of spectators wall-to-wall waiting for the Sights, I slithered through to the front. And, as expected, Eddie Baranek and the gang came out put on an inspiring show, whether it was when they were in blues-mode, country soul-mode or just throwing shit to the wind. Great way to cap off the night.
Note to self: Bring the Blowout map.