Pollo Chapin

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Pollo Chapin serves black beans, store-bought tortillas, and chicken, chicken, then eggs and then more chicken (100 pieces for $92). But mixed in with the wings and thighs are some typical Guatemalan delights, such as tamales, (masa made with broth and lard, stuffed with pork or chicken and, sometimes, an olive, wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed) and chicken "chapin," barbecue and milanesa (breaded cutlets). House-made chicken soup comes free with every meal, with broad noodles, carrots, a rich orange-yellow broth and not a whole lot of chicken, as befitting its origins. Weekends will feature other specials, such as a milanesa de res (beef) or carne guisado for $7.49. Prices are breathtakingly low — two pieces of chicken, a roll, two sides and soup for $5, for example — but if you really want to scrimp, breakfast is available any time.