The archive of data, which features inspections from August 2016 through January 2019, filters restaurants by inspection date, the number of violations, and the restaurants' compliance status.
The city breaks down violations into three main categories — priority, foundation, and core violations.
The Detroit Health Department defines the violations as the following:
PRIORITY VIOLATIONS are the most serious category of violations. They are the violations that directly contribute to foodborne illness or food poisoning. Examples include food at unsafe temperature (warmer than 41 degrees F and colder than 135 degrees F) and employees failing to wash hands before handing food.PRIORITY FOUNDATION VIOLATIONS (labeled Foundation in this dataset) are violations that indirectly contribute to foodborne illness or food poisoning. Examples include not having a food product thermometer or no paper towels at the hand sink. CORE VIOLATIONS are the least serious category of violation and do not significantly contribute to foodborne illness or food poisoning, but are violations of other legal requirements. Examples include a dirty floor or a dirty dumpster area.
For the truly brave, users can download the data in an excel document to search for their favorite (or suspect) restaurants by name.
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