This is a past event.

The Wonder Woman Breakfast Club

This Month Featuring a FULL BREAKFAST BUFFET! Come on out and help us celebrate YOU! Join us for GREAT coffee, FULL BUFFET Breakfast, conversation and activities that allow us to celebrate us, love on each other and empower ourselves! No one deserves a couple hours to simply b-r-e-a-t-h-e more than WE do, and The Wonder Woman Breakfast Club gives us a moment to do just that--in the company of other ladies, who can appreciate our efforts. Why a breakfast club you ask??? Because ABSOLUTELY deserve it! This Month's Theme: The Lush Life!

  • The Art Experience

    175 S. Saginaw St. #109, Pontiac Oakland County

    (248) 706-3304; (248) 706-7830 (FAX)