Elizabeth Weinberg

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Lucy Dacus

There’s a memorable moment in the opening scene of the final episode of the Netflix jailhouse drama Orange Is the New Black — and it has little to do with the action on the screen. The song “Yours & Mine” by Richmond, Virginia singer-songwriter Lucy Dacus opens the episode, and captured the essence of the long-running series, as well as the essence of Dacus’ catalog as a whole — sad, hopeful, anxious, and unabashedly confrontational as this emotional concoction is sort of her MO. Last year found Dacus releasing her celebrated sophomore record, Historian, along with the first self-titled EP with her indie supergroup, boygenius, which she shares membership with Julien Baker and Phoebe Bridgers.

  • El Club

    4114 W. Vernor Hwy., Detroit Detroit

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